Opinion of Jeff Roland 5 Amp or 7 monos

Has anyone heard or owned the Jeff Roland model 5 amp, or the Model 7 mono blocks.
I had a model five some time ago, It left an impression on me. The low bass was AWESOME! After a few years the input wires need to be repalaced (they can cause noise)but after serviced my amp was quiet and smooth. hard to beat unless you can aford a new monster from Krell, Levinson, Lamm or Sierra.
The balanced version of the 5 is excellent. A pair of balanced 7's are much better. Best sound, by far, is a pair of balanced 5's, as mono blocks. This is by far one of the best Mono block set ups I have heard or owned. I have owned several model 5's, & 4 pair of 7's. I leave them only to return after the new wears off that new amp I thought was better. The new generation of Jeff Rowland is very good, but has a totally different sound. The older amps sound more like tubes.

Good Listening
I have owned a Model 5 amp since 1992 and I have not strayed since. I agree with the Stealth that the 7's are better but only if you plan on driving a heavy load speaker. I have never tried the 5 in a mono block configuration but I may try it sometime. All in all it is a great amp and I prefer Jeff's older stuff over the new only beacsue of its tube like sound.