Opera Audio Consonance reference 2,2 CdD Player

Any experiences ?Is it realy so good like some sellers allready said?One rewiever claimed that until 10K(!!!) there is no contender, and Chinese maschine is just 1900 in USA.
I have used Counterpoint CD + DAC, TEAC VRDS25, and now Consonance Ref 2.2
This CD player is all what i want, it is not a sophisticated player, but it is a natural sound cd player
some people never consider with product from china, but after reading many comment above I think you have to try to listen
So, its really good cdp eh? I've gotta try it.

But, is it really eight inches in thickness, and 18 kgs in weight? Woa, this cd player is huge! That dimension reminds me of the old (early units) of Betamax video player circa 1980s!

Pls. advice what interconnects work best with it. I wonder if Silver Audio SB4 will match, or the Audio Note KSL-SPz, or if copper will still work fine, like the Analysis Plus Oval 1.
The only concern I have is whether to leave the unit turn ON constantly as there is a tube output (RCA). I have it hooked up both XLR and RCA but mostly it play through XLR -more headroom and presence.
Just wondering what is the opinon of the other owners?

Other than the minor concern, the Consonance is rather impressive sonically, especially given the price point.
Add to it, there are postings which have made A/B comparsion with the Meridian 508 and Sonic Frontiers - all have found favor with the Consonance. I have had the pleasure of keeping a Wadia 860x for awhile and when I sold it, I regretted it immmediately.
The Consonance while can not fulfill what the 860x can do, I have to say it is rather a close subsitute. The 860x still has great realism which I only miss now.
I too heard very favorable reviews about the Consonance 2.2 Reference CD player. I never had the opportunity to hear one in person, but, because I had heard how it won ''best in show'' at the Europian Consumer Electronics Show,and got favorable reviews from dealers,( The dealer I bought mine from said it was the best CD player he had ever heard )and thinking it would be an upgrade from my present player, a Rega Jupiter, I deciced to buy one. The one I bought was a store demo that had a couple of hundred hours on it , so it was pretty well broken in. I sat and listened all afternoon to CD's I know well, and compared the two players, and my Rega Jupiter beat it easily. The Jupiter has a much wider soundstage, better bass , and to my ears is more musical. And if you like to ''rock and roll '', the Jupiter is a much better player. I will give credit to the Consonance for rich midrange, and nice detail, but thats about it. In my opinion, it is little better than average, not this ''super''player it has been hyped up to be. I sent it back to the dealer. Sorry folks, but thats how it sounded to me.
Has anybody compared a Copland CDA822, a Audio Aero PRIMA CD player or a Arcam FMJCD23T with the Consonance reference 2.2CD player?