Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.

Showing 9 responses by t8kc

Take a take a fleshlight shine it in through the grill/can and see were the tweeter is, mark the orientation for future use.....
Yes, I've heard that a Fleshlight can improve the tweeter orientation if used properly. I hadn't thought about marking it though.
I vote for the 2000 series. I have owned them before and they play well, but need a lot of power (at least mine did). My room is a similar size, but I settled on the 4000 series (4XO) as they deliver better bass.
The room recommendations are only estimates and actual listening is the key along with good component quality/power. When I had my 2000 speakers, I took them over to a friend's house and played them on a 500W/channel system; they sounded much better then with my set-up (300W/channel). Ohms love power!
Thanks for posting the review link. I found it very interesting and agree with the opinions of the reviewer.
I have owned Walsh 1, 2 and 4XO units. My Walsh 2s were upgraded about 5 years ago which made them much better.
Going back to the need or not for subwoofers with Ohm speakers, I recently added a 12" OHM subwoofer to my old pair of 4XOs.
The result surprised me somewhat. The bass response is hugely better than before. The speakers seem to perform better now that the sub is taking over the bass load.
I can recommend this addition.
Unfortunately, OHM doesn't offer this subwoofer model anymore and makes a more expensive replacement in its place.
The OHM Micro Subwoofer 12 is a self-powered unit that takes the amp output and crosses it over internally. There are choices of cross-over points and a volume control. Since I first installed it, I have turned the volume down slightly as my wife was complaining about the whole house shaking. Actually, it does sound better turned down a bit.
If I had a sub-out on my Schiit tube pre-amp, I could have used that, but it sounds fine as is. I am using a Parasound HCA1500 to power the system.
@mapman Perhaps for the electronics, but the woodwork was done in Brooklyn as it took 6 months for delivery. The new subs use Danish (ICE) electronics with the woodwork done in NYC.

@melvinjames you are correct about the sequence.
Honestly, I don't know how OHM made any money on the Micro Subwoofer series; the part is great quality for a low price (my 12" version cost $400 + shipping!).The replacement sub is $1,500. Granted it is a different beast, but still...

@bondmanp I have read most of this very long post and commented in the past. I was aware of your set up, just adding my 2¢.
Looks like this is the all time most viewed and responded to speaker thread on this site! That is amazing. There is a lot of interest in the OHM speakers. The second place thread was a general one about "the best speaker".