Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY

Greetings All

This is, unfortunately,  an uneasy post.  I was persuaded to dive into a buying a set of Ohm Acoustics Walsh Tall 3000.  My very funky factory loft with 11' ceilings, not a single straight wall, 145 yr. old very wide & distressed oak flooring other issues dictated an Ohm Acoustics design.  However, placed/paid for my speakers 11/06/2021.  Speaking with Ohm indicates I can expect delivery around the middle of June.  That date has krept forever onward.  Yes, there was a snafu at Ohm's end that they readily recognize. But poor, poor, customer relations. I have spoken with Jake several times over the last 7 months; quite the gentleman.  However, I just no longer have a good feeling that Ohm Acoustics is on top of their game. And the last thing I want to do is spend about $6,000 for a product where the company is gone, out of business.

 Crutchfield can ship me a set of Klipsch Cornwall IV this afternoon. My decision process 7+ months ago had me considering either the Cornwalls or the Walsh Talls. I went with the Walsh Talls. Hey, it still may be sonically the better decision. But until I get delivery of my Ohms I'll never know. 




Get the Cornwalls and don’t look back. I know I have a pair. And customer service is huge deal to me and CRUTCHFIELD is second to none. 

Thanks EVERYONE for the input.  I realize I had to chill, especially after reading so many others' Ohm Acoustics experiences.  There is merit to doing business with the small guy.  

I decided to ride this one out. As promised for the 2nd or 3rd week of June is really only ... 2 or 3 weeks away!  And I waited this long.

Hindsight being 20/20 is always easier to throw stones.  Knowing what I know now I probably would have gone with the Crutchfield in-stock Cornwalls.

FYI - I currently have April 1997 matched s/n Thiel MCS-1 on the custom Thiel audio speaker stands playing through PS Audio MS700 class D monoblocks, PSA BHK Signature pre and PSA Stellar Phono pre + other accoutrements. The THIEL speakers are fine except for my current loft space they have to play louder then reasonable considering a downstairs curmudgeon. 

Understand where your at mentally, I cancelled a decware order when I realized it was over a year wait list. I would wait for the ohms if I were you. It’s not much longer and that trial period is nice.

...and to johndel1960 - my music tastes have change during my 66+ trips around the sun. I'm surprised how much more Jazz thrills me, prog rock and hi-end instrumental recordings. I still crank up Tho Who, Live at Leeds but with a different perspective. 

@veemike , I GREATLY prefer the Cornwalls. Why you ask? They have controlled dispersion which is virtually mandatory for a large space otherwise the room will cause problems that can not be easily corrected. With Cornwalls all you have to do is put some absorbing tiles on the side walls. You place the Cornwalls right up against (as close as you can without touching) the front wall. This eliminates early reflections in the bass along with the side wall damping. The Cornwalls are very efficient and very low distortion. They will still benefit from subwoofers, two will do.

If you do not have the Extended version of Live at Leeds, YOU HAVE TO GET IT!!!