Notice to all. Bob Williams of Audionut deceased.

Hi All,

A sad day if you ever had the pleasure to meet or deal with "Bob" the Audionut. He was a true gentleman and one of the "REAL" characters in this hobby. I will miss him greatly.
Hey folks,let's move on. Having been one of the members to post a
negative post for Taters,... I read his response( re:1st post by Taters), and I take his word that he meant no disrespect.
Thanks for letting us all know. Bob was a true gentleman and fine person. He knew everyone in the industry and always had a great story to share. He will surely be missed.
Bob was a of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He personally delivered my repaired subwoofer the weekend he went at the Grand Canyon. I work here and he said he'd deliver it if i could get him a room. We met, talked for a while but he was ready to start hiking. The following Tuesday his son Anthony called me and asked if i'd heard from bob as he was due home Sunday. a park wide search ensued and his body was discovered the following Saturday. No cause of death has been made public yet. My prayers go out to his family.
I was a customer of Bob's, talked to him just a few weeks ago at the store... so sorry for his family. Stay strong Anthony.