NOS tubes for Sonic Frontiers Line 1

I just recently bought a Line 1 here on the Gon, Sounds great, but, I would like to do a little experimenting with some NOS tubes. I under stand the back two tubes make the biggest difference.
I would appreciate any suggestions? It now has the Sovtek 6922 stock tubes.

Thanks, Jim
I have not owned the SF Line 1, and connot comment on the specific preferences of that pre. However, two good places to look for info about and comparisons of the various memebers of the 6DJ8/6922 family are:

I don't know the tube complement of the Line 1, but if it includes 12AU7's, IMO, Joe's discussion of that family is a bit short. There are other more detailed threads on AA.

I have a Line 1 (original owner). I recently replaced the tubes with electro-harmonix... which I'm not real happy with. I have one set of matched Amperex gold pin 6922's that I was using in my DAC which I tried in the Line 1. What an improvement. I've played a little with which position is the best. I just started that, but so far any position works well. I'll let you know when I have more definitive answer.

I'm in the process of getting 6 matched pairs of Ei's (which are much more reasonable priced than the Amperex's) to replace the electro-harmonix. The Ei's are suppose to be very good. I'll let you know how that goes (I should know in about a week).

Jeffcott, Thank you for your reply. I did check the forums on AA.

Maggie3, thank you for your reply, you saved me some money, I was going to buy four of the electro-harmonix tubes for LV3, V3, LV2, and V2. I was wondering about tubes for LV1 and V1. I seen on AA post someone had mentioned the Ei`s.
I received an email from a fellow member of the Audiogon and he also recommended the Amperex tubes.

Well I ended up buying two matched pairs of used Amperex PQ 6922 gold pin U.S. made Orange label tubes. Just couldn`t justify the higher priced white label Amperex tubes. I want to thank Bill, a Gon member, for putting up with all my email questions, he was very helpful. And I also would like to thank "Sam 1104" I am sure I was becoming a pain in the butt with all my questions. Sam answered every one. I learned alot from Sam. I highly recommend buying from him.
I am looking forward to getting the tubes and hear how they sound.