north creek music speaker kits

Well now that George has closed up shop on His Kits and He sold a lot in the last 3 months what do you think . I am looking for your thoughts on the Manifest kit or any other of His kits . I know some of you must of ordered some of the kits did you make your own cabinets or did Lee Taylor make them? What do you think of the sound I ordered the Manifest kit and the cabinets are being made by a local craftsman now . I should have them in a week or two I hope . The wood is a waterfall Bubinga on the sides and top and a pommel bubinga for the fascia should look great. Marc
Lake thanks for your response
My room may be a little small for this speaker (18x11)
Are you familiar other North Creek Models that would work a bit better for a room my size
Musicfile; I would think Kitty Kat looks very nice but you need to place it very close to the back wall a few inch's . The fiesta and casita are two I would like to buy if I set up a second system and all 3 would work well in your room. I do not know if George still has all the parts for the Fiesta and Casita call or email Him . The Fiesta and Casita are not picky of amp's or cable sound good with average eq. or sound great with above average eq. The Kitty Kat or Pegasus are great speakers but need above average eq. to sound good and great eq. to sound great if you have the eq. to feed them the high quality signal they need go for it. The Pegasus needs very high quality eq to feed it . The Fiesta or Casita would be a great speaker for the real world if George can still make them. The 2 also can be built in a parts express cabinet for low cost or have a local wood worker make a pair of cabinets for you print the plans from the web site .I looked at as many kit and internet speaker sites as I could find for 3 years and I think North Creek offered the best value and sound I found. I think the Manifest's could sell for 12000 to 14000 in a showroom as a mass produced product. I have listened to many speakers well over 15000 and not found many I could live with, some are very good ones and I would like to have but do not have that kind of money. I think speakers from a company like North Creek ,Jim Salk's speakers and Usher are great speaker designs a chance to get world class performance for a real world price. The North Creek kits allow you to build or have built a cabinet with you choice of wood and look to finish off your system and room a one of a kind speaker . Marc
I ordered some of the Signature Rhythms Revelators when he announced he was getting out of the kit business and they are great speakers. The vast number of orders that came in after that announcement must have made him re-evaluate the decision. He is still preparing his extremely high quality kits.