Nordost vs Chord Co

Im looking at Nordost Blue Heaven or Chord Co Chamelon.... They are both silver plated copper interconnects.... Anyone compare the two or any comments.....The iC is for my CD player.....I am slowly adding silver to my system to bring out more air....
My system:
Triangle Zerius
Audio Space duntonic 3i el34 int amp
Audio Alchemy DDS III Modified CD player
AR EB101 Turntable
McCormack Micro Phono Stage
Personally, I love Blue Heavens.
They aren't perfect though: A little bright sounding with some gear. They also seem a little more likely to pick up outside noise.
On the + side: They are very airy and open sound. I've never found them to dull or interfere with sound quality.
They are definately 2 different sounding cables. The Nordost is more airy and open in the upper treble......The Chord is really good cable but the Nordost opens the system more.....So Nordost it is.....
I've just purchased Nordost Blue Heaven Interconnect and speaker cables. They are out of this world!!! I can't imagine my system sounding any better than this.

My system:
Rega P25 Turntable
Musical Fidelaity A3 CD player
Musical Fidelity X-M150 amp
B&W 603 S3 speakers