NHT 3.3 vs Mirage M3si

Assuming similar price and physical condition, which speaker would you choose given:

1. Listening area: 1400 sq ft carpeted basement area, speaker location will be adjacent to brick wall. listening will be enjoyed from seated position central to speaker focal point, but will also be appreciated as ambient sound throughout the location.

2. Preferred music: is diverse, from rock to jazz to classical. Hard hitting bass is appreciated, but so is a great sounding tenor saxophone or violin.

3. Current setup: Adcom 5800 amp (2 x 250wpc @ 8ohm), matching adcom pre amp, adcom cd player

4. House contains small children and I am slightly concerned about one of them toppling a mirage m3si due to its seeming high center of gravity and narrow foot print.

Please let me know your thoughts, as i would like to have context from you knowledgeable and experienced folk as i will have limited audition time and in listening areas that are quite different from mine.

Thank you!
No such thing as being able to watch kids 24/7 .
One chance in a million is one too many .
You got some really bad advice here. Hope you sought out the NHT 3.3's and upgraded your gear.