next step please

hi there, posted a thread a while back but got few responses. hope this one would draw attention of others. i currently have a rotel rcd 951, denon avr 2700 and aegis one spkrs with ixos interconnects and monster cable for spkrs. yes, yes, yes. i know you're already thingking of what would be the next upgrade. have some options: buy an integrated amp or a power amp (receiver as pre) with a future upgrade of adding an audiophile preamp. budget would be from $500-700. hoping for suggestions, thanks a lot...zean
If you are going 2 channel, then chuck the Denon and add that money to purchase (assuming not already done). Get yourself a good British integrated SS amp, say, the older 25W class A Musical Fidelity (can't remember, getting way too old, A1, I think). Then save for new speakers, say, vintage Rogers 15 ohm LS3/5A's; sell yours and add to it to get them; your next $500 jump. At this point, and regardless of the wire naysayers, you will have significant limitations from your wire. Hunt around for some old Discovery PC's ($75 used) and IC's (@100) or some Kimber, get the idea. Then, since CD is begging about the same time as cable, look at that. By that time, say a year from now, and given that most of us will be out of work by then but still scared enough of "brown people" to be ignoring it, an Audio Aero Prima should be down to about $650, so scam one of those, and, blah, blah...then you will be pretty happy.
thanks for the responses ASA and GUNBEI. you people are very helpful indeed. to answer your questions, i will be very happy if i could put up a system with standmount speakers, listen to my favorite classicals, easy listening, etc., etc in a 5 x 12 meter room. i do admit that my denon is the weak link, that's why i'm asking what's a more lodical move: a power amp or an integrated. the reason for this is because i can get a musical fidelity X-as100 used for $400 here. but somehow, i do not need that much wattage, right? so would a AA Puccini be the right one? yes, i do like the sound of tubes. for the MF A1, clearly that was a very musical amp indeed. anyhow, didn't buy it thinking the 25 wpc wouldn't be enough. boy, was i wrong! MF doesn't make them anymore. anyhow, thanks again for your kind workds...more power
Well, I don't think I'm going to say much new here, but I think the best upgrade is always in the speakers (to a point). Good speakers will sound better through crappy electronics (in general) than crappy speakers through good electronics.

But given your price range, and what you current own, then changing out your Denon might yield the best results. McCormack is a SS amp that's known to have sound close to tubes. Used DNA-0.5's are close to your price range for an amp ($500-$700). The other suggestions are good as well. But that doesn't leave you with much funding for a preamp, but you could run your Denon as a preamp. Does this defeat some of what your trying to accomplish in bettering the sound, I don't know, but you could try it.

The Musical Fidelity A-2 was a good amp and can be had for something in or under your price range, and was a very good integrated when it was released. The thing with an integrated setup is that you have to either be willing to discard it if you upgrade, or be satisified with the sound for a long time. Integrated, IMO, are good for secondary systems where you aren't going to be as critical.

I think you can find a preamp and amp you are happy with in the price range you are looking.

Preamps to consider:
NAD 118
McCormack TCL-1
Conrad-Johnson PV10/PV11

Amps to consider:
McCormack DNA-0.5
Rotel RB-980BX
Forte 4A

I'm not as familiar with tube gear, so I'm afraid I can't offer much there.

Basically, you need to really demo equipment (in your current system, if possible) and decide where you get the best bang for the buck. Don't bother listening to anything outside of your price range. What you want to see is if there is a noticable difference between what you currently own and what you can afford to purchase. Yeah, a $20,000 CD player might sound good, but does it sound $19,500 better than what you have? And since your budget can't afford it, why listen to it?

Don't bother replacing your cables. There is a lot of noise about cables, but even the real professionals argue over the benefits. Look on the internet for DYI speaker cables if you think you really need an upgrade there.

Hope something I said might help, and best of luck!
Cy, your Puccini just came up for sale at $625. If you get it, let us know how it turned out.
unfortunately ASA, only a few here sell their stuff worldwide. i'm from manila. anyway, i'll keep on dropping by and hope for the best...