New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.


Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

sbayne sez ...

How much graphene is in Total Contact? What is mixed with the graphene that is in it?

Suggestion ... PM Tim Mrock. I'm sure he would gladly tell you exactly how he makes it. 

Shadorne sez ...

Since this entire thread is all a bunch of nonsense claims about TC paste, more nonsense really doesn’t add or subtract anything (except maybe you’re angry because it subtracts from your sales and profits)

Angry? Nope, not me. 

The nonsense is being spewed by you, Shadorne, not me. You haven't tried the product and have no idea of the benefits, and yet, you continue to call it nonsense. That, junior, is nonsense.

Its not MY sales involved here, Shadorne ... I'm just an enthusiast who uses the product and wants others to benefit as I have.

Now then, how about telling us what problems you have with profits? Does your employer make profits? If not, how does he/she keep the doors open? If not for profits, you wouldn't have a job.

Angry? Nope ... it was intended to be a teaching moment for you ... but then, perhaps your prejudices and preconceived notions won't allow you to be open minded enough to be educated in the ways of outside sales. 

Well, I tried.

Moderator ...

Thank you for stepping in. Its much appreciated.

Its the same violators every time. How about just deleting their inane attacking posts and let the "normal" conversations proceed? Even some of the off topic stuff is truly interesting.

I believe that if this thread is deleted, the bad actors will just find another thread to play their games in.

Thanks ...

Shadorne sez .,.,,.

"Salesmen on commission can be rather pushy to the point of being really obnoxious, especially when the profit margins are huge."

I’d venture to say that you wouldn’t make it one week in the sales field, Shadorne. As soon as you’d find out that you have to consistently approach perfect strangers, pique their interest, make an appointment for the evening in order to sit down with the husband and wife, then give a convincing presentation while overcoming all objections, then hand them the agreement and a pen and ask them to sign your contract, often well past midnight ... that’s when you would be reduced to a puddle of tears.

In addition to that, Shadorne, as an independent contractor, you’d have to give up all of the security you have right now. Think about it ... you’d be paying both sides of your Social Security payments ... that’s 15% of your gross income before taxes. No paid vacations. No paid health care. No employer shared stock plan.

You wouldn’t dare.

 What you would do, would be to sit back, consider the successful salespeople in the firm "lucky," and then lob pot-shots at them while whispering to others of your ilk, that the successful ones must be cheating in some way.

And here you are calling salespeople "obnoxious." You haven’t a clue of what you’re talking about.

And by the way, Shadorne, what do you find so attractive about this thread? You have no interest in buying or even trying the product at hand, and yet you continue spewing your nonsense here. I’ve asked you several times before ... what is your intent here Shadorne?

sbayne ...

Unless you have something really unusual going on with your system, the "Total Contact" application will continue to sound better .... even weeks after the application. 

grannying ...

Thanks for the positive encouragement ... its much appreciated.,

With that said, I don't believe "innocent" describes their actions ... however, "ignorant" is much closer to the truth. 

I have never discouraged honest and respectful descent on these pages, but out and out insults, threats and slander is where the line must be drawn. 

As you know grannying ... TC is a marvelous product. How anyone can sit back, spew insults, make demands and threats without experiencing what we know to be a trans-formative product is beyond me.  I have some suspicions as to the causes however.  Among them are ... 1) Jealousy. 2) Envy. 3)  Evil intent. 4) A missing chromosome. 5) Lack of a social filter caused by some sort of autism such Asperger's  6) Some sort of a chemical imbalance causing bipolar-ism. 7) At the very least, a totally warped, negative sense of humor.


PS: I've recommended this CD before, but as the users of TC have found out, their digital playback has been transformed. I played this last night and it was simply amazing:

  • "You’re acting like a bunch of young 60 year olds."

Geoff ... I can't remember back that far. 

  • "Any teasers you can share?" 

Stay tuned. :-)

stoplitz ...

I'm really looking forward to your comparison. This should be interesting. 

Geoff sez ...

  • ’’As enthusiasts we try to maximize signal and minimize noise and distortion."

That’s exactly it. Of the contact enhancers I’ve tried/used over the years, nothing reduces noise and distortion like Total Contact. Admittedly, I haven’t tried them all. I have used Caig DeoxIT ... both the Red and the Gold. Also had a long term bout with Xtreme AV’s Quicksilver Gold. TC comes out the winner here by far.

To date, no one has reported on their results with the Mad Scientist’s product. At least not in this thread. I’m looking forward to an in depth review of both products ... TC and the Mad Scientist product by "stoplitz." I’m hoping he will cover everything from ease of application to the ultimate improvement in sound quality, especially after the eight week curing process of the TC is complete.

I’d suggest that he apply the Mad Scientist product first. Then, when satisfied that all is working to its ultimate, remove the product completely, and then apply the TC. My prediction is that he won't want to go back. 

cd318 sez ...

  • "A $10 CD player sounding like a $10,000 one after contact cleaner? Why shouldn’t it when distortion levels measure the same? Before or after CC".

1. Total Contact isn’t a contact cleaner.
2. When did you measure the distortion levels of the two CD players?
3. What’s "CC?"


I had a multitude of snarky responses all laid out for the naysayers here until I read David Pritchard’s response. David, as usual, took the gentlemanly approach and has proceeded to say it all. Thank you, David.

Hope your mom is doing well. You are a gem of a son.  :-)

  • ^^^ "I noticed that the TV volume was set at 16 not 19."

I listen to both the audio system and the TV system at a much lower volume now too. Sorry I never mentioned it,


Some of us elders are blessed with good hearing. Nothing else seems to work though.

When ever I’m out with friends my age, I seem to get elected as the designated hearing aid. They continue asking me ... "Eh, what’s that?"... "What did he say?" ... "Did you hear that??" :-)


PS: For all the dads ... I hope you all had a very nice Father's Day.
Wolf ...

The only thing sad here is that you don't realize that you are a destroyer and an arsonist.

Or, do you?

Grannyring ...

Its great that you’re enjoying the benefits of TC. As tommylion said above, its helping a lot of us, including you and me, to attain heights in our modest systems that can only be achieved by the mega-buck systems. Tim Mrock deserves every bit of success he can garner from his product. Why? .... Because he is helping a whole lot of other people get what THEY want first, which is a much better sounding audio system at a very reasonable cost.

With that said, and with all due respect, I’d like to address your post regarding Wolf Garcia:

This is a public forum, not unlike a public square. Imagine someone standing on a soapbox spewing untruths, outright lies and making derogatory remarks in order to discourage everyone listening in the public square from doing business with Costco for example. Can you imagine Costco putting up with a person shouting to the rooftops in that public square that Costco sells rotten meat and has their registers set to overcharge its customers? That is slander in its purest form. At the very least, the liar in the public square would receive a cease and desist order from Costco’s attorneys. If that didn’t put a stop to the slander, then a lawsuit would ensue.

Truth is one thing, lies are another. Yes, Wolf Garcia is entitled to his personal opinions, but when those opinions are based upon nothing but hot air and lies, and subsequently hurts the bottom line of a business, well, its time to put a stop to it. Why? Because the business is damaged by being financially hurt.

I’m sure that Tim Mrock isn’t blowing smoke. I’m also sure he has contacted his attorney to come up with the opinion he posted above. I’m also certain that if Wolf Garcia knows what’s good for his own bottom line, he’d better cease and desist with statements that have no basis in fact.


  • " Other than noting the carcinogenic properties of the graphene in TC ..."

What carcinogenic properties are you referring to Wolf? What testing have you done to come to the conclusion that anything about TC is carcinogenic? Surely, you have ordered a tube yourself, taken it to a lab for testing in order to come to your conclusion, no? Please post your lab results.

  • "...  and noted that I'm clearly just not interested in the product as it's expensive, carcinogenic ..."

Again, you sound really sure of your position ... post the lab results.
If you can't supply your lab results, then your "opinion" has no relevance here. 

  • "...if others need to believe these claims I simply don't care ..."

Really? You don't care? Well, okay ... if you don't care, other than being an attention whore, why do you continue spewing out your nonsense in this thread?

Wolfie sez ...

  • " And to be specific regarding "not caring" about the fanboy responses, it was clearly said in the context of my opposition to using a discussion forum for an inappropriate hard sell opportunity led by you, Frank."

Dude, you wouldn’t know a true "hard sell" if it hit you upside the head. A truly skilled salesperson can apply so much "pressure" in a sales situation that blood streams down the walls. As the prospects leave, their final comment to the salesperson is ... "Do you know what we like about doing business with you? ... You are so calm and low pressure. Thanks for helping us make the right decision."

I don’t expect you to believe the above Wolfie ... but its coming from someone with 50 years of experience in the selling field. I’ve seen ’em come ... and I’ve seen ’em go. :-)

I was thinking about pasting my entire head and the inside of my mouth and throat with TC in order to think and speak more clearly, but now that Wolfie has done the research I think I'll just stick with the electrical connections. 

tlong1958 sez ...

  • Hard to believe 56 people actually bought this stuff.

  Of those who have bought it, a number of them have shared their TC with friends, so the number of people using it exceeds the 56. I know that I've shared mine with two other friends so far. As of this date, I haven't heard anyone complaining ... except of course those who haven't used it, haven't seen it and haven't heard the results.

If you haven't a clue, then why make the post?

Elizabeth sez:

  • "And no one here is a troll. we are just as honest genuine audiophiles as you are."

How can your negative responses toward a product that you haven’t tried, let alone even seen, be "honest" and/or "genuine?"

^^^ grannyring ...

My feelings exactly. Tim is really on to something special here. I've been doing quite a bit of experimenting with TC over the past few months. I won't talk about it until I have Tim's OK to do so. I will say that the power savings (electrical bill) has gone down ... and I had to turn the temperature of my refrigerator up because things in the bottom drawer intended to keep vegetables crisp started freezing. 

Elizabeth sez ...

  • "... over enthusiastic claims being made by apparently hypnotized audiophiles on a thread designed to sell product."

Okay Elizabeth, I’ll adjust the question a bit: How do you know that what’s been presented here regarding TC is "over enthusiastic" and that the users are "hypnotized" when you haven’t personally used it yourself, let alone even seen it?

And by the way Elizabeth, my intention isn't to call you dishonest ... I don't even know you. Its just a simple question. 

I'm still waiting for someone ... anyone .. to compare TC with what The Mad Scientist offers. I know there are several "Goners" who have tried the MS product ... at least they've said they were going to order it.  To date, no one has stepped up. Please, if you've tried the MS graphine product, let us know your results. I've been encouraging the comparison all along.

As far as the claims of TC being overpriced based upon the materials used, to date, those making the claims haven't presented any receipts or bills showing the cost of materials obtained by Tim Mrock in order to make the product, packaging it or shipping it out. Nothing about the labor costs either. Surly, if a product is claimed to be overpriced, then some proof should be forthcoming, no? 

And by the way, no one is attacking anyone in this thread without being personally attacked first.  Genuine criticism and questions are always welcome. 


I'm finding that I would want more, not less. Like grannryring and I are discovering ... there's more to this product than meets the eye. I mean, who wouldn't want frozen onions in the vegetable crisper? :-)

I told my brother in Tennessee about the product and its many uses, so he proceeded to order two kits ... and he doesn't have an audio system. 

News Flash! 

New product coming soon. I, and a few others, have been beta testing a new product from our friend Tim Mrock.  Nice. VERY nice indeed.

^^^ geoff ..

Still testing ... I don't want to be jumping all over the place yet. But so far, the noise floor has fallen another several stories. Tim says it may take a couple of weeks to reach its prime. We'll see ...

I'll start a new thread when the time is appropriate. Stay tuned. 

t_ramey sez: 

  • So I’m assuming this new product works in conjunction with TC. Is it another contact enhancer or something completely different? 

I have TC in all the usual places ... and then some. Yes, it works with TC. Its not another contact enhancer ... and it does some things like TC, but there's something else that I finally put my finger on last night. While the noise floor is lowered further, and is quite obvious, there is a relaxation to the music not unlike what we hear in live music ... enhancing the realism. As the days pass, this relaxation continues to get better. There's more, but I want to save it for later when Tim gives the word of its release. Stay tuned ... :-)

  • is the new tweak something like BlackDiscus from mad scientist audio?

Can't say, as I've never seen or heard a Black Discus. 

jafreeman ...

You should be hearing the big eight week jump at this point. The new "tweak" actually detracted from the SQ for the first couple of listening sessions in my system. So ... that would lead me to believe that you have a lot more in store for you SQ wise. Tonight's listening session was fantastic. The system has never sounded better. 

barbarpapa ...

Thank you so much for the comparison between TC and the Mad Scientist's product. Its as I suspected.

elizabeth ...

Thanks for returning to the thread. I'm glad you're here. :-)

Last night's listening session was really good. The new product is coming into its own now. I had my friend Robert over to gauge the improvement in SQ. There was a lot of foot tapping going on at the end of his legs. His comment was ... "Your system has never sounded better ... its so fast, and the leading edge on guitar strings is amazing. Piano too." 

Robert knows my system about as much as I do ... and he's very critical and totally honest about what he hears ...brutally so at times. Nothing but smiles from Robert last  night. 

nkonor ...

The "new tweak" really isn't a tweak. I'd call it more of a component.

As far as   "Not looking forward to another 2000+ posts arguing about a tweak that will not change audio forever." I have this to say ... Take a look at the finger you use to click on this, or any of my other threads, and do not raise that finger to push the button allowing you to access the threads. This way you won't be frustrated and turn that frustration into anger that may be turned inward and then have you suffering the consequential depression that follows. 

On the sales figure you quoted, I don't believe you covered the direct sales that have been made by Tim Mrock. For example, my brother bought ... yes, BOUGHT two kits after I gave him Tim's phone number. 

Like you, over the years I've tried a multitude of tweaks and a lot of them didn't work. Some did ... most didn't. These products coming out of the mind of Tim Mrock work big time, as you can readily tell by a fair assessment of the comments of those users who have reported their results here. 

Its hard for me to understand your negativism toward a product that you haven't used ... or heard the results of in any system.  Harder yet to understand is your need to post negative comments about a product you know nothing about. Weird. 

  • " Let’s see if we can contain the arguments and let the Sales do the talking."  

We can contain the arguments if  you and your ilk would just stop using language like:

  •  "OP and his “crew” of followers."   66 sales of tc." " I am already a skeptic of the to be announced “tweak.” " My modded Technics SL1200G has provided all the improvements that the OP and following have claimed for tc." " Tweaks are not going to make your equipment and setup better" " You will find that all these “tweaks” just tweak your wallet." " The innocents wasting $300 on a tweak." 

Everything you've said above has no basis in fact. Until you have tried TC for yourself and heard the results, then you are just blowing smoke. In fact, everything you've said above comes across like someone who is trying to ruin the sales of a competitor. How about stating your intent in making that post? In other words, what were you trying to accomplish?

Because the new product is totally different from TC, I'll be starting a new thread as soon as its released. 

geoff ...

Sorry to offend your intelligence with "trite" words. And by the way, Diana Krall lives with me ... so eat your heart out. :-)

fazee ...

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have no experience with DACs. Maybe Tim could chime in here. 

I discovered something really profound with the new ... oh what to call it?  Tweak isn't right. As Geoff pointed out ... "component" isn't correct either. Okay, its between a tweak and a component. I dub thee an "accessory." 

I discovered something profound to try with Tim Mrock's new "accessory." I'll share the info when the product is officially released ... and that should be any day now.  :-)

fleschler ...

When you return from your east coast visit, I'll loan you enough of the new product so that you can get a real handle on what it does in your own system. I predict that you won't want to return them.  But ... you'll have to come up to my place to pick them up ... while at the same time, listen to what the Signature III's have evolved into.

Robert is coming over tonight. He was here last Friday night and couldn't keep his feet still. Toe bone connected to the ankle bone. Ankle bone connected to the knee bone. Knee bone connected to the .... Damn, sit still will ya?

Based upon the improvement over the past day or so, I'll have to chain Robert down tonight. This new "accessory" has me wondering once again... how much more information is hiding in those LP grooves and digital bytes?

tlong1958 ...

Welcome back to the train wreck. :-)

Believe me, even when very well medicated Robert still dances between the speakers. Oh wait .... could it be the medication that's doing it? 

With David Pritchard's experience with the fuses, I'm beginning to suspect that with so many items pasted with TC, it has an effect on the break-in time. I also  have tons of things pasted with TC, some of which would seem ridiculous to most of you, but very, in fact, VERY effective.

I noticed when initially using the new "accessory," there was an immediate degradation to the overall sound. It took the better part of a day just to start coming around. More on this later when Tim releases the product. I'll do a review then. Its really exciting as others have said here. 


I look at it the same way, Steve. Its what the product does that's important. At $300 for the TC ... the results are amazing. 

Tom ...

Have you tried TC on the cello endpins? If so, any observations?

Thanks ...

Tom ...

The cello is one of my favorite instruments. It seems to be right in the range of the human voice. Thanks for the response.

folkfreak ...

  • "As Fremer’s column so clearly makes out attention to detail in these sorts of matters, as with many others in our hobby, pays back. Ascribing all of these types of effects to one miracle tweak rather than taking care with many cumulative small adjustments is what really puts me off."

Believe me, it doesn’t tale much to put Fremer off. In addition, Fremer has never heard the improvements that TC and the Omega E Mats can provide. If he did, it would blow him away.


theaudiofreak ...

Tom ...

This is why I’ve been saying that Tim is really on to something here. Who would have believed that pasting the part that connects the cello to the floor would make a significant difference in sound quality?

What do you suppose would happen if someone were to paste the entire interior of a cello or a violin? How about below the strings of a piano?

Now I’m wondering what would happen if a series of Omega E Mats were placed on the entire bottom of the inside of a piano, just under where the strings are? Could an upright piano be brought into the realm of a Bösendorfer?

wolf & geoff ...

Nope ... The Perfect Path refers to a gentleman who walked the earth 2018 years ago and pointed out the "Perfect Path" for us to follow. Its the same gentleman who is divinely inspiring Tim Mrock to come up with these great products that have increased our joy in one of His greatest gifts to Mankind ... music.
