New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.


Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

^^^ Amen to that.

TC is quite remarkable. I’ve done tons of tweaks over the years, but nothing does it like TC. I know there are those posting here who think that $299.99 is too much to pay for a tweak, but based upon what TC does, I honestly think it saves money. Why? Because in order to gain this much of an improvement in SQ, one would have to upgrade equipment ... and that costs thousands. In the meantime, I’ll just keep pasting away, thank you. :-)

  • "I did not expect to what extent that the noise floor and digital glare was reduced."

RC ... I can hardly wait until you guys reach the 4 and 8 week time periods. It becomes what you said above --- times 10 at least.


Jay sez:

  • "@perfectpathtech seems to have disappeared.

  • Maybe @oregonpapa can recommend him to cut the quantity in half, along with a reduction in price. The unknown & limited shelf life, plus quantity to treat multiple systems, may be off-putting for a product without long term testing. A small sample container, with enough to treat 1-3 products for $10-30, would make a nice addition. 1 per customer. If it’s as good as advertised, customers would buy the full size."
Jay ...

Tim Mrock has not "disappeared." He reads every post in this thread.

There are plenty of contacts in an audio system to paste with TC to justify the 1.5 ml size ... especially if you do your circuit breakers.

Unknown shelf life? If you were to read the thread in its entirety, you’d discover that I still have some connections pasted with the first beta TC a year later. I still have a little left in the syringe, and its still viable.

In addition, it wouldn’t be cost effective to offer a smaller amount. After all, the cost of startup has to be recouped. Its business, pure and simple.

If the entry price is too much risk for you, or anyone else, I’d suggest that you go in with a friend and do both systems. This way, you are getting the product for "half price," right?

Read the positive reviews coming into this thread now. Considering the reviews, why do you still have reservations about "if its as good as advertised?" It is as good as advertised ... and even better.

So now, is there anything else holding you back from buying a tube of TC to enhance your audio system? If so ... what is it? Do you have more questions? If so, I’d be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. If I can't answer them, Tim surely can.


I've found that another benefit of using TC is that it tends to make the user a very generous person.  :-)

Thanks ronrags ...

^^^ *lol*

I know the feeling.  Its the mind, Ron ... The body says no, but the mind still thinks the body is that of a 20 year old. 

I actually miss my work. I loved what I did for a living, but I'll be hitting my 80th year this coming summer. So, other things will have to take the place of the working world for now.

One good thing that I'm very grateful for is the hearing is still intact. God, if that goes, then what? 

Someone asked George Burns: "Who wants to live to be a hundred anyway, George?"  George answered ... "A guy who's 99."  :-)

Hang in there ... 

Jay ...

1. What’s between Tim and Ozzy is exactly that ... between Tim and Ozzy. Perhaps you and Ozzy need to learn that sometimes "silence" IS the answer.

2. Shelf life: So far, the first tube is still viable after a year ... and it hasn’t been placed in the freezer.

3. Start up costs: Sounds as though you’ve been into Tim’s books, or at least are friends with his accountant.

4. Basic economics: Yes, I’m familiar with "basic economics," especially Austrian economics as espoused by the likes of Mises, Hayek and Friedman. You?

5. Positive reviews: You say that you are only familiar with Ozzy’s and my preferences and systems. I’d say that you need to get out more.

6. Does it work? Have you been reading the results as they come into this thread? Have you been reading my reviews?

Now that your questions have been answered, and hopefully all of your fears assuaged, is there anything else holding you back from enjoying the product today?

Jay ...

1.  Tim is not running a restaurant. Again, what is between Tim and Ozzy is between Tim and Ozzy.  

2.  Shelf life:  Its working for me. 

3.  First, Tim's customer service is first rate. Take the time to read the responses regarding Tim's service in this thread. The fact that Ozzy has his nose out of joint has no reflection on Tim's service. 

4.  Yeppers, I'm an old guy all right. You're correct, Austrian economics HAS been under attack for just about a hundred years in this country. Who's doing the attacking though? Marxists? Progressives? Those who believe in massive debt and fiat money?  Isn't a 21 trillion dollar debt and a trillion dollar budget shortage enough for you guys?

5.  Obviously clear, Jay ... if you would take the time to read the thread from the beginning, you'd find that a lot of your questions have already been answered. 

6. Return policy "side stepped?"  Again, read the thread from its inception. 

Now then, is there anything else standing in the way of your purchase? 

Jay questioned if the TC works or not.

I used to be a dyed in the wool fan of planer speakers. I went through Acoustat 3’s, Acoustat 4’s and Martin Logan electrostatic speakers. I honestly believed that they were the end all in transparency. Well, they were enjoyable speakers, but the bass and extended highs were missing, plus, they just didn’t move enough air.

 Enter the Legacy Signature III’s. At 93db efficiency, my ARC REF-75-SE is just coasting no matter what I play. There’s three 10" woofers to take care of the bass and ribbon tweeters to take care of the highs. After applying several new tweaks over the past couple of years, the Legacy’s are every bit as transparent as any planer speaker I’ve owned.

1. Herbie’s tube dampeners on every tube in the system.

2. SR Blue fuses throughout the system.

3. SR HFT’s ... a ten pack and follow the directions.

4. Total Contact - simply amazing.

It may be a cumulative effect, but at the 8-week point after pasting with TC, the transparency, 3-D presentation, organic tonal balance and the dynamics at times are so close to real that I keep thinking its impossible. But, it is what it is ... and that’s pretty fantastic. The system is WAY beyond where I ever thought it could be.

So Jay ... For the third time: Have your questions been answered to your satisfaction, or is there still something standing in the way of your purchase? If you’re ready to start enjoying the product for yourself, here’s the link to order:

Have a great day ...


dbarger ...

If I were presented with the blind test you alluded to, I believe I could tell the difference between the system with and without the TC treatment. The difference at my place was night and day. 

^^^ Now you're talking. Its all about the music.  Personally,. I can't seem to tear myself away from the system. I was up at 4:30 this morning listening to music. At some point, I'm going to have to get a full nights sleep. 

Steve ...

During my first listening session after applying TC for the first time, I was playing an excellent recording of a female voice. My room mate, no audiophile himself, came out of his room and said ... "It sounds so clear that I really thought someone was singing in the living room." This from a guy who had  never even seen a high end system before moving in here.

Jay ...

1. What do you know about the situation betweem Ozzy and Tim? Are you aware of anything other than what was posted in this thread? If not, you’re really not qualified to speak on the situation. If you had both sides of the story, then you’d be able to make a fair assessment.

2. How old is my final beta product? Answer is several months. However, I still have some left of the first and second tube ... and they are still viable.

3. See one.

4. Different issues? What issues are you alluding to? Do you think inflation is a natural occurance?

5. It is what it is. And you’re correct, the true mettle is in trying the product in one’s own system. At what point are you going to do that?

6. Are you alluding to Ozzy’s review? Other than that, I’m not familiar with any negative reviews.

And, sorry ... but I’m not familiar with A’gon’s return policy. I’m not the principle here, but only an observer, tester and reporter. For the answer, if I were you, I’d contact A’gon directly, or send a PM to Tim Mrock.

7. Well, with the exception of the return policy, have your questions been answered to your satisfaction so far?

8. You’re right again ... I DID use my room mate example in the Blue fuse thread. I was thinking it was in the TC thread when I posted about it last time. Simple mistake ... thanks for pointing it out.

  • "Right now you are coming off as a a combination of the archetypes of the used car salesman and the white knight."

Have you ever sold for a living, Jay? Have you ever had a job that pays on a 100% commision basis? Just wondering ....


Jay sez ...

  • "Geoff recognizes when a tangential comment is made that is completely off topic. You obviously do not recognize irony either. It is clear you just do not get it."

So, not only are you speaking for Ozzy, but now you’re an agent for Geoff too?

Off topic, Jay? I asked you if you had ever held a 100% commissioned job in response to your prejudiced diatribe regarding used car salesmen. That kind of prejudice is based upon ignorance and fear. Its true that the average American is conditioned to not like and not trust salespeople, but that is based upon what, other than prejudice?

shadrorne sez ...

  • "This blatant promotional advertising thread is like the energizer bunny. It just keeps going and going and going. Over 1000 posts....on and on and on. 100% commission sales requires some heavy promotional work I guess."

Its interesting that you continue returning to this thread, Shadrorne, while at the same time complaining that the thread "keeps going and going and going ...."

For what purpose do you continue posting in this thread? I’ve asked you continually what your intent is, and you have yet to answer it. You don’t believe in the product, have no intention of buying it, and yet, you continue to be disruptive in this thread. Why? Again ... what is your intent?

Yep, I have over 1000 posts, but geeze man, I’m just a piker compared with you and your 6627 posts. Kettle calling the pot black?


Jay ...

So far you’ve enlightened us with Ozzy’s dilemma and commented on what Geoff is thinking .... but you don’t speak for anyone else? Meh!

You also said this:

  1. "Right now you are coming off as a a combination of the archetypes of the used car salesman ..."

Yeppers, Jay, I guess you didn’t mention used car salesmen either ... except in the post alluded to above. <Geeze!>

What, in your opinion, would an ’archetype’ of a used car salesman be?
Have you ever sold cars for a living, Jay? Do you have any car salesmen in the family, or count any of them among your friends? What are you basing your opinion on, Jay?

So Jay ... what is your intent in posting here? So far, I see nothing positive in your contributions. You ask a lot of questions, which is okay by me, but you never seem to be satisfied with the answers. Are you truly interested in Tim’s product, or are you just trying to stir the pot and trying to pull chains?

If I haven’t answered a question thoroughly enough, what is it?

Have you checked with A'gon and asked them what the return policy is? I believe that was the final unanswered question, wasn't it? 


Bumble bees aren't supposed to fly either, but they do. More than a 1000 feet at a time too. 
rc ...

Thanks for the suggestion of treating the power conditioner plugs. I just knew I had forgotten something. :o)

Did you just treat the plugs, or did you treat the internal wires as well? 

Ozzy ...

The first incarnation of TC was fantastic in its own right. Both the 4 week and 8 week breakthroughs occurred for me.

The second incarnation was smoother with fewer black "chunks" of graphene, which were reduced to little "specks." I got the same results with the second batch as I did with the first batch. Fantastic.

The third and final version was treated cryogenically and came out much smoother and was easier to apply. It was a through mix.

In treating connections with all three, I found the sound to be about the same. Very close. This is why I said to you that after treating your complete system with the first product, leaving it on for several weeks,  and not hearing any difference, or it even being a detraction, that getting a sample and using it just to paste your fuse ends would be a moot point. I mean, if you couldn’t hear the improvements made by the first batch, you won’t hear the improvements afforded by the third batch on the fuses ends either.

So far, you and "your audio buddies" are the first to try it without getting a positive result. All of my audio buddies have been blown away with what they’ve heard.

Its not that I don’t believe you, Ozzy ... but something is going on and is not right. I was going to say perhaps "system dependent," but then there are those "audio buddies" of yours who didn’t get good results either.

Maybe we can get to the bottom of things. How about listing what their systems consist of and what connections they pasted and what they didn’t paste. How long did they leave it on before removing it? How long was their listening tests?

If they didn’t like the product, there must be some reason why. You didn’t say what it did that they didn’t like. Is there a common denominator here somewhere between your system and theirs where we could determine that it IS system dependent in some way?

^^^ Wolfie ...

  • "There's the rub, and if Special Hat Racks, aluminum Ju Ju Bee "transducers," Magic Goo that allows the path of an existing audio signal to be enhanced into something beyond itself ..."

Quick! Close the patent office. "Everything that can be invented has already been invented."

Ozzy ... 

Just the opposite of geoffkait ... :o)

SR Level III power cords. (Highly recommended)

Von Gaylord "Legend" IC's and speaker cables. (Highly recommended.)

^^^ ... There is one personality type whose biggest fear is being taken advantage of. 

Use a toothpick to get to the pins. Also, its been suggested here by other users that we paste the entire outside of the HDMI cable connections. 

Wolfie sez ...

"Note that a 25ML little bottle of Deoxit "Power Booster" claiming similar sonic results costs around 20 bucks. I do know THAT stuff works."

How many years did it take for you to make the decision to try Deoxit "Power Booster?" They must have really rejoiced down there at the Olde Deoxit Factory.



Q:  Who determines what is legitimate?

A:   Those who have actually used the product.

^^^ I have no problem with legitimate criticism. What I have a problem with is the constant undermining of an excellent audio enhancement that has taken place in this thread. A perfect example is the comparison by those who have no idea of what they are talking about when it comes to Total Contact with products like Deoxit and other terminal cleaners. Apple and Oranges guyz ... apples and oranges. Two different products with two different purposes and outcomes. 


Really mapman? A sales pitch?

So, in your estimation a person who has hands on experience has less credibility in writing about their experiences with any given product than someone who has no experience at all and has only read about it?

Please explain. Thanks ...

  • "Does someone who buys and uses a Bose wave radio and says its the best sounding thing ever automatically credible?"

It depends, mapman ... If I had never heard a Bose Wave radio and I gave it a bad review based upon nothing, how much credibility would I have? I’d say about the same amount of credibility as those few, like yourself, who continue coming into this thread knocking Constant Contact without ever trying it .... and that is no credibility at all.

If you really want to convince others that a product is truly great without trying it yourself, you’re going to need much more than a class where sales 101 is taught. In fact, you’re most likely to end up in a jail cell with Bernie Madoff for representing the world of the con man.

Your explanation does nothing to assure me that you know what you’re talking about. You haven’t tried the product or even seen the product. However, we do have some very positive reviews coming in by other members at this point in time.

Have you not been paying attention?

^^^ *lol*  If you only knew how many times I started to do that, and then caught it.  Its one of my favorite teas. 

aolmrd ...

^^^ Thanks for your comments and welcome to this thread. 

1.  I do have a reason for promoting TC. It works as advertised. Like the fuse threads, my original intent was to simply share a terrific product with my fellow audio hobbyists and enthusiasts. 

After my initial post in this thread, a few (the usual bunch) started to denigrate the product even though they had no experience with it. By this time, Tim Mrock (the producer) and I became friends. What you are picking up on is my defense of Tim's product, and personal attacks upon Tim and me, in the face of these few naysayers and extremely destructive people. Self defense is still a legitimate function in my estimation. 

2.  Glad you've picked up on the humor contained in this thread. There are a lot of very talented people who post on A'gon, that's for sure. 

^^^ Home roasting is a bit of a hassle. Joe Behmor came up with his version of a home roasting machine that enables you to roast indoors because it has a very effective smoke filter. This little drum roaster really takes most of the hassle out of home roasting.

Its hard for me to drink anything other than my home roast Coffees. Guatemalan are my favorites. Excellent brightness with overtones of chocolate, caramel and nutmeg. Yum ... It makes what they serve at Starbucks an absolute crime of the century.

Oh, and speaking of Target, do you like wine? Target is selling a variety of wines under the "California Roots" label. I’ve been buying the Red Blend, which I consider the best of the lot. Its only 5 bucks a bottle ... and drinks like any $20 bottle I’ve ever tried. Buy six at a time and get a 10% discount. They even include a very nice six-pack carry home case when you buy six.

You know you have discerning tastes when you're touting five-buck wines. *lol*

David ...

The relationship between you and your Mom is delightful. She's very lucky to have you, and you her. 

For those reading this who have elderly parents, let David Pritchard  be your guiding light. Your elderly parents want the greatest gift in the world ... your face to face time. A phone call every two weeks just won't cut it. Face to face guyz, face to face. 

David, your experience with your Mom's TV parallels mine to a "T."  After pasting with TC,  I was rewarded with better definition in the picture, better colors and better blacks. Quite amazing really.


Bob ...

Glad you're enjoying your system. Many more points to treat with TC. Seems like the more the better ... 

You'll have to come over soon to hear my system. Its completely pasted with TC now. Far better sound than the last time you were over.  

tommylion ...

So now that you know what the four week phenomenon is all about, be prepared for the eight week encore. You’re gonna love it.

richmon ...

Welcome to the TC Paster’s Club. If you’ve read through the entire thread, you know that there is a history between Total Contact and some of the other contact enhancers. TC is different, a LOT different as you will soon find out. At $300 its a total bargain for what it does to enhance an audio system.

Good choice on the cartridge by the way. As you may know, there’s a bunch of us here who use the AT ART-9 ... another bargain if there ever was one. :-) 

I'd love to try out the ART-1000, but its a little too expensive at this point now that I'm retired and not working any longer. Please, would someone buy one so the rest of us can live vicariously through your reviews and listening experiences?

audiosens ...

Here's the link to order:

Its not "oily." Its more like a smooth paste that brushes on in a thin even coating. Easy to apply, easy to remove ... and does an incredible job of improving the SQ of your audio system.

^^^ Tim ...

I still have some of the original beta testing product from a year ago. Still viable.

HiFiman sez ...

  • So, a marketing degree or a degree in public relations?  Gotta be one of them.

  • Early in this promotional thread I believe you asserted that you are not receiving remuneration beyond the free vial of TC.  If that's true, you've been had! 

1.  No degrees other than over 50 years in the people business.

2.  Haven't been had at all. As a result of being a beta tester for the product, it has given me an audio system that is way beyond what I ever imagined it could be. As another bonus, Tim Mrock, the producer of TC has become a friend. How does one put a value on a new friend??

If you like Ike Quebec, this is a good one:

Two disc set featuring Ike on Tenor sax. Grant Green on guitar. Excellent duo with really good sound. 

This seller has a lot of nice imported CD's.

^^^ jetter ...

Its all in the presentation my boy, all in the presentation. ;-)

Now then, when are you going to come out of the Caverns of Doubt and buy a tube of TC for yourself? There's still a few tubes left, so a word to the wise ... get while the gettin' is good.  Is your system up to the challenge? Do you even have a system?  You don't list one. Trust me lad, even your Pioneer receiver will take on a new life after an application of TC to the connections.   

geoffkait ...

Excellent article ... thanks for posting it.

Prior to meeting Tim Mrock, I had never heard of "micro-arcing."

I had spent an untold amount of time and money over the years on my audio system in an effort to reduce and/or eliminate as many micro-vibrations that I could, all to the benefit of better sound.

Micro-arcing is no different in that the phenomenon occurs on a micro level. What we can’t see isn’t obvious to us ... and it would certainly be hard to believe by many. Hey, I’ve had fellow audiophiles roll their eyes in disbelief when I started discussing micro-vibrations with them and ways to get rid of it. Micro-vibration is pretty much commonly understood in the hobby now. Micro-arcing, and how it affects the SQ of an audio system, will follow right along the same path, and we are on the cusp of the matter. I feel real good about that.

I’ve forgotten where I read it, but some wise sage once said: "What is hidden from the most learned is revealed to mere children."

I sincerely hope that more members here will take advantage of what Tim Mrock has produced and enjoy the benefits of his efforts. TC really is quite remarkable.


slaw ...

I'm sure Tim would gladly mark the production date on your TC order. Will you be making the purchase soon? 

geoffkait ...

Sorry for the misspelling ... its my dyslexia kicking in.

On the "obligation" thingie ... I don’t feel obligated to respond to everyone of your posts at all ... only the ones directed to me personally, and then its more of a self defense thingie.

On your last post, I felt that a simple thank you was in order for that excellent article you posted. Hope you don’t mind too much.

Take care ...

^^^ Cool story candela ...

How's the system sounding? 

By the way, I re-pasted the tube pins in my line stage with the latest version of TC. which is the same as you have. Its been two weeks now with no issues. Just better sound. 

^^^ Four weeks is startling.  

At the eight week point what amazed me was the solid wall of three dimensional purity in the SQ I was getting.  Its like I can reach out and touch the performers.  And that was from both digital and analog sources. Never thought red book CD's could sound so good.

So fazee, tommylion ... and others who have taken the plunge ... you guys have much to look forward to. :-)

Les ...

You’re welcome ... and thanks for the kind words. Please report on your 8 week experience. Thanks ...

kedoades ..

I ended up using a toothpick. 
