New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.


Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

^^^ The brushes are the same ones that ladies use to apply makeup ... readily replaceable. 

Glad to see you guys getting positive results. TC is truly an amazing product.

shadorne sez:

  • " If it dries to a solid how effective can it be versus a soft metal gold contact? "

Would a ’soft metal gold contact’ eliminate micro arcing?

slaw sez:

  • "I don’t know if TC has a "binder" or if it does, they’d say what it is."

Why in the world would Tim Mrock give up the formula for his binder in a pubic forum? Only a fool would do that ... and Tim isn’t anyone’s fool. Not by a long shot.

I predict that "slaw" will become one of the most positive advocates of Total Contact.

Who here likes chamber music? I was listening to this with my morning coffee. With the entire system now pasted with the latest incarnation of TC, the musicians were spread all the way across the sound stage beyond the left and right speaker. The sound stage was in three dimensional relief with each player in their own space. A bit uncanny, if you ask me. 

I’m a big fan of Harmonia Mundi recordings. This one is really good. Highly recommended.

slaw ...

  • "The last exchange kind of (really) soured me, quite a lot, maybe at least 50%."

I'd say ... let the past go and just enjoy the product. 

slaw ...

Read the following : 

Slaw, here was your first question in the thread. It appears on page one:

  • @oregonpapa ,
  • Now.. what I need is an evaluation of the "blue" fuses w/wo this new coating. Is anyone up for this?

Here's my answer on page 2:

I tried the SR Black and the SR Blue fuses without the "Total Contact," and with it. With it was clearly the better option. Like the other applications to power cords and IC's for example, the results are the same type of improvement in SQ. So go ahead ... paste the end caps of your fuses and you'll get an improvement there also.
Another one of your statements:

  • @perfectpathech 
  • Perhaps you should have chosen jafreeman as your Beta Tester?

How was I supposed to take that, slaw?

  • Your question: If very little is needed to treat a system, why isn't it available in a smaller quantity? Maybe this would alleviate some concerns.

My answer: You're getting 1.5ml ... enough to do a large system plus video. Save the rest or share with a friend.
What "concerns" would you like to alleviate?

  • Your answer: The shelf life of a new/unknown product.
  • Overbuying a brand new product that isn't refundable. It seemed like a valid question, don't know why it would be tested.

Why what would be tested, shaw?

  • Your statement: If I was the manufacturer. of TC, ...I'd have grave concerns regarding my initial product roll-out, VIA this, (way). 

Have you found any negative statements in the initial "roll out" post on page one?

  • Again, you said: In spite of how this product was rolled out to us, I always had interest in it.

Again ... read the initial post on page one. Find the negatives. Thanks ...

  • See.... Now I'm being dismissed again.

How are you being "dismissed again?" No one is "dissing" you. All of your questions  have been answered in a positive manner. What you are reading into the answers is beyond me.

And finally, your last statement:

  • If as a BETA tester, (whatever that entails in a (business sense) includes a commission, YES, I think that has a bearing on the entire discussion here. I don't "have a negative attitude", if it is a clearly stated objective/benefit of the BETA tester. I'm sorry if this kind of transparency may offend you.

  • I was "on the hook" . You're GUY , cut the hook!


Uh-huh? What? For the third time ... there are NO commissions involved. And I'm not offended ... but you seem to be in a perpetual uptightedness situation. What's troubling you, shaw? 

<Sheesh!> man, let it go ... buy the product when you're able and enjoy the results.


  • "Frank, you’re not on commission are you?"

Here we go again.

Slaw ... read the entire text from my opening post on page one to this post here. I have clearly stated that I am not a principle in the organization, nor had I anything to do with the development of the product. I’m just a fellow audiophile who was lucky enough to be chosen by Tim Mrock to be one of his beta testers.

I was/am so taken by the product that I enthusiastically presented it here, only to be personally attacked, called a shill, intimated that I was dishonest, a liar, etc. Again, anything negative that came from my keyboard was in self defense and the defense of a small businessman trying to get his new product into production and consumer use in the face of a few here who were obviously out to destroy him.

You seem to have a negative attitude toward commissioned salespeople, slaw. If that’s the case, why? I’d love to have that conversation with you ...

You’ve taken issue with the way the product was "rolled out." Again, read my initial post on page one of this thread and point out any negatives you see. Thanks ...
And speaking of Harmonia Mundi recordings, here’s a real winner:

Solo piano that is right there in the room with you .... if you have a highly resolving system.

Tim ...

Evidently there is no appeasing this person.

I just spent a half hour chronicling all discussions held between me and slaw in this thread. So far he has given no concrete answers on where he was treated with disrespect, other than to say that I didn't answer a question he had posed in a completely different thread. 

There are folks in this world who, if they had both legs cut off ... would still kick.


  • "Frank Oh yeah, by the way, I’m Slaw, not Shaw. "

 Ah yes ... the corrections were made before you posted the above. Anything else bugging you?


  • "Since you went low... "
Did you read my last post where I chronicled our discussions? Please point out where I "went low." Thanks ...

  • "On the Synergistic fuse threads, I have made a comment or asked a question that wasn’t threatening, but you never answered. Why? Was it that I again wasn’t taken seriously?"
I see, slaw. So it was something I DIDN’T say? Could it be slaw, that I just didn’t see your question?
  • "You really are a piece of work."
Very nice slaw. Thank you.

slaw sez:

  • It's kind of ironic now, that this discussion has evolved to the level it is now, after those who try to sell this product have deduced that I'm no push-over, Now, are finally making some concessions in their language,.

  • Maybe at some point, I'll try it. YOU MISSED YOUR CHANCE WITH ME!

  • Hopefully you'll learn from your treatment of me and people like me that we can respond with our sentiment and out pocketbook.

Slaw ...
Nope, you're no push over ... even when no one is trying to push you over.  

I'd say that the chances of you "trying" TC "at some point," is between slim and none ... and has been from the very beginning. 
  • "Treatment of me and people like me..."
People like you, slaw? What type of people would that be? Try to be specific please. Thanks ...

So far, you haven't pointed out any mistreatment or disrespect other than to say that I didn't answer a question you had in the Blue Fuse thread.

Keep searching for the disrespect shown toward you by me, slaw.  I don't think you're going to find it .... especially if the best you can do is to say that I didn't answer a question you had in an unrelated thread. 

Take care ...

^^^ Disproving your posts?  I/we don't disapprove or approve your posts. You're just not that important, slaw. 

  • "is a factor in other's thoughts as to how to go forward with this company."

Uh, slaw ... Who are these "other's" that are you referring to?

The sales are going along quite nicely without you. So far there isn't one complaint, just amazement about the effects of the product.  Are you reading the responses slaw? Have you read Steve Fleschler's comments? How about Tommylion's comments? 

Again slaw ... what's troubling you?

  • "I must be in a different atmosphere? Right?"

More accurately, you are on a different planet.

Do you honestly believe that we are here to make you happy, slaw? I/we presented our case regarding the product and treated you with respect, and yet, you continue to whine and moan as if someone kicked your cat. Honestly, you are not that important. 
  • "This was from a representative of a brand new company that's trying to increase sales???"
And you have done nothing from the beginning other than to attempt to destroy those sales. You are not making a difference, slaw.  Could this be what's troubling you? 


^^^^ Slaw sez:

  • "Have your (masters) told you to (tone it down?)"
I only have one Master slaw ... and He walked the earth over 2000 years ago. Which "master" do you answer to?

Actually slaw, I spent the afternoon over at Mribob’s home pasting his wonderful system with TC. Unlike you, no one has kicked my cat today, so I go on about life with a positive mental attitude. Suggest you do the same.

" I was a potential customer..."

No you weren’t. You’re an adversary and have been from the start.
  • " All of the sudden ... oregonpapa/TC’s spokesman says... slaw, you don;t mean that much to us..."
Nope, that’s not what I said. Post it if you can find it.
  • " Why would you want to deal with a company that disrespects it’s potential buyers/customers verbaly (HERE) and seems to be proud of it?"
I have the right to defend myself, do I not? Do you honestly believe that I would just sit back while a few ... a FEW naysayers try to kick my ass and then make an attempt to run Tim Mrock out of business?
  • " Actually, (THE) trouble is, YOU trying to make A CASE for someone else (ME) to have a reason for your ongoing mistakes in the way YOU rolled out/ then responded to others for this new product!!!"
Mistakes? Name them. The way I rolled out then responded to others? I’ve asked you repeatedly to read the long initial post I made on page one of this thread in the "roll out" and then post what you found to be offensive. So far, nothing but crickets.

Responded to others? Again, go back and reread the entire thread. I only responded negatively to the arsonists, the looters and the destroyers. They were responses to personal attacks. Again, its called self defense. What is it that you don’t get, slaw? Are you taking my responses to others personally? If so, that’s kind of weird, don’t you think?

  • "So, I was thinking,...Why would a decent, respectable person such oregonpapa, try to disrespect me,( someone who just disagreed with the way he and his masters) tried to make the case for my (not) wanting to purchase their product???"

Disrespect? I’ve tried to answer every one of your questions in a positive manner. Again, go back and read the thread from the beginning.

In my humble opinion slaw, you have every right not to buy the product. Its your money and your choice. But when you try to dissuade others from buying it based upon who knows what ... considering you haven’t tried it yourself, haven’t seen it, felt it ... .well, that’s a bit weird too. Guess what slaw, I don’t care if you buy the product or not. Again ... you are just not that important.

By the way slaw, just so you know ... Mribob’s system was sounding better than ever when I left his home. His Venture speakers are fantastic. The TC left his bass sounding very articulate, full and organically natural. He made the comment that its the best mid-range he’s had so far. Considering his system, that’s saying a ton. Its only going to continue to get better from here on as his TC cures. But see slaw, you won’t be having that experience with your system because your nose is so far out of joint worrying about what other people think about you, coupled with an inordinate fear of being taken advantage of, that you would cut off your nose to spite your face by not buying and/or experiencing the product. Too bad for you, I’d say.

Have a great evening slaw ...


hifiman ...

Thanks for a very reasonable and positive post. Its much appreciated.

^^^ Norbert ...
  • "Why can’t Mribob post his own comment?"

One of the last things he said to me before I left was that he wanted to wait two weeks before posting his results, allowing the paste to cure a bit.    

  • " I want to see and read the comments of people that have ordered it , received it , treated their system with Total Contact and post Their impression ..."

Read Steve Fleschler's and Tommylion's comments. They are in this thread. You can be assured that there will be many more positive comments coming. The product is THAT good.


Geoffkait sez:

  • " By the way, I painted both ends of my new LG TV power cord with product. Noticed much improved picture. For the UVa Duke game in HD I noticed more solid colors, more vivid colors, more solid and darker black, more shimmer and gloss on the court, very natural face color. Super duper."

You have described my experience with my rear projection 73" Mitsubishi TV. Better blacks, sharper picture, better colors ... almost a 3-D experience.  "Super duper" indeed. 

^^^ We tweak to solve problems that are inherent in audio playback systems. Trying to eliminate micro vibrations is one of the main things that smear sound. There are tweaks to take care of that.

Remember, we are tweaking the playback end and not the recording end.

Why so expensive? Supply and demand in some cases. Trying to recover cost incurred during R&R maybe.

Tommylion ...

This is the one to get. Its an excellent transfer from one of the Westminster tapes. Excellent sound and performance. The seller is a little steep on the price, but its one that will stay in your collection for sure.

Tommylion sez:

  • "Listening to Heifetz play Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto (her favorite) with her last night was absolutely wonderful."

Tommy ...

Not only is your system sounding great these days, but you and your wife have excellent taste in music. :-)

Do you have anything by Erica Morini?  Her Tchaikovsky violin concerto is really, really good. Check her out:

Tommylion ...

As the reviews come trickling in, we can hear the bricks coming loose already. Something as good as TC will not be denied. Not in this hobby anyway.

^^^ Gotta watch those 3-D effects Geoff. Ya never know when a puck will come flying out of the HDTV and puck ya.

^^^ Thank you, resolution. Your moral support is greatly appreciated.  :-)

As good as your improvement has been so far, the best is yet to come. Mark your calendar for the 4 and 8 week periods.

^^^ yping ...

According to those who've treated their circuit breakers, the improvement is really substantial. Be sure the power is off, and if  you don't feel competent to do the job, hire an electrician. 

Total Contact dulls nothing. None of the three versions I beta tested dulled anything at all. In fact, the highs were improved right along with everything else. The final version, the one that is for sale, is the smoothest and best sounding of the three. 

Just a simple question for the "scientists" and the "electricians" with PHD's in these various sciences: If one eliminates micro arcing in a circuit panel by "pasting" each switch's contact points with TC, therefore enhancing the contact points, how does that create a fire hazard? Inquiring minds want to know.

Electricity is electricity. After a year of trials with TC, so far none of my audio equipment has gone up in smoke. Just way more efficient in operation. 

Tim ... how many panels have you done to date? As a result, how many Nagasaki's and Hiroshima's have you created?

Mribob ...

Thanks for the kind words. I enjoyed the time spent with you and your music system. There's lots left to do in order for you to appreciate what TC can do.  Power cords, fuse ends, TV cable box, DVD player ... and any other connection you can find. And boy, was that scotch delicious!  :-)

yping ...

You had a question regarding the comparison of what the Mad Scientist is offering in his graphene contact solution vs TC. I haven't tried the MS product, but there are plenty of reviews on the web.  Based upon the reviews I've read, MS is oil based and is really messy. There are a couple of good reviews, but mostly the improvement gained was marginal. That's not the case with TC. Because of its unique binder, it goes on in paste form, is not messy ... and offers amazing results. The old adage is still true ... "You get what you pay for." 

Slaw sez ...

  • "Can you confirm that I missed the fact that there where 3 versions of TC revealed in this initial thread or anywhere previously, until now?

  • Thank you.

  • I'm willing to be incorrect."

Slaw ... go back to page one and read the thread from the beginning. 

And since when have you been "willing to be incorrect?"

slaw sez:

  • Again, you let your passion get ahead of whatever guides your posts here. (You really hold a grudge, don’t you?)

Grudge? Not me Junior ... I just call 'em as I see 'em.

Go back and re-read all of your negative posts in this thread from the beginning, slaw ... then tell us how trying your best to derail the new product has failed. Utterly failed.

Tell us how sorry you are, slaw. Then after that, apologize to Tim about your destructive behavior. That's what a REAL man would do, slaw.

For the life of me slaw, I cannot imagine why you continue to return to this thread, other than to continue to interject your negative BS ... especially in consideration of all of the very positive reviews starting to come in.


By the way ... for the positive thinkers ... Grover modified a Pioneer Elite DVD player for me a couple of weeks ago. New caps and a beefed up power supply. I've been using it as a CD player. This is one hell of a player. It was treated with TC upon bringing it home two weeks ago.  Had to get an adapter so it would accept the SR power cord.

Robert came over for a listening session last night and commented on how much more coherent everything was compared to when he listened last, three nights ago. I attributed it to the TC starting to set. I only pasted the power cord and the IC's. A fantastic product.

slaw sez:

  • "I agree with you. So. what’s the problem?"

yping stated the problem very well with these two thoughts:

  • " interesting how you have interpreted the posts but your interpretation is dramatically incorrect and even rude."

  • "Why do you want everyone to support your unfounded opinion when you haven’t even tired TC? This is really quite unreasonable, don’t you think so?"

Slaw ... Its one thing to have an honest opinion and to have doubts, and another to constantly deride a product and anyone who promotes it by hurling personal attacks. Until you’ve tried the product for yourself, in your own system, you have no legs to stand on and no credibility to fall back on.

Why do you continue to come into this thread? Are you lacking in social graces? Missing a filter? Asperger's perchance?

And by the way, slaw ... it doesn’t bother me either way if you buy the product or not. The only one losing here is you. It is what it is ... a fantastic product that enhances the performance of audio/video systems beyond where they were before in a very special way. Something that you won’t discover or enjoy because you’ve allowed your nose to get so far out of joint.

Again, the only time I have ever gone on the offensive here is when I’ve been attacked, or whenever this fine product has been attacked with verbiage like "snake oil." "goop," "scam" ... ect. Other than that, I’m a very mellow guy.

In the future, if you don’t want to be called out for the negative naysayer that you are, try to be a little more civil in your discourse. Reread yping’s last post in its entirety for a hint on how to act while around adults.

ronrags ...

I'm finding new areas to "paste" all the time. I'm experimenting with something at the moment that shows real promise. Stay tuned ...

Ozzy ...

When Tim first contacted me with the proposal of becoming a beta tester, I was very reluctant based upon previous experiences with products like Quick Sliver. You’re right, they did dry, were difficult to remove and eventually degraded the sound. Total Contact is different ... in fact, apples and oranges.

If you remember, the first batch, which you had, had little black specks of graphene in it that could be seen by the naked eye. The second batch less so. The third and final formula that is for sale now, and what is presently used in my system and those of my friends, is a completely smooth blend that applies in a thin, even coating.

None of the versions, including the first one that you had, caused any dulling of highs in my system, but that could have been system related.

I would encourage you to try the final version of TC. Its an amazing product. I keep finding new contacts to paste and there is an improvement each time I do.

shadorne sez:

  • "No need to discuss further. Either it is true or it isn’t true that licensed bonded electricians did the work on 35 electrical panels (and documented evidence will be forthcoming on at least a few to confirm). I am confident it is true.

  • Once proof is provided then we all know that it is safe to use as described and recommended. Without proof ....this is just an Internet forum and anyone can say anything... "

So answer this, shadorne, ... once "proof" that qualified electricians did the panels for Tim, and all doubt of the "danger" of TC is removed, and you no longer have anymore doubts ... WILL YOU BE BUYING THE PRODUCT?

ronrrags ...

I have applied TC to my tube pins for a nice improvement.  Use caution though, Paste only 1/4 to 1/2 of the way up the tube pins to avoid a short across the bottom (glass) of the tube. Reinserting the tube in the socket should be enough pressure to push the TC up further onto the pin. 

willgolf ...

Howdy, willgolf ..

  • In my theater room, I have an Laser Epson 10000 projector. Are you saying that it will improve the picture quality of the projector if I apply to the power connector? Based on what Frank said, I can brush the solution on and not have to wait until it dries or cures before plugging back in or connecting. Am I missing anything?

Paste the plug on your Epson projector. Any other electrical connection you can get to on the rest of your video system as well. I did most of my rear projection TV and the picture is definitely improved. I had to make some adjustments in color, brightness, etc., but it was worth the effort. I’m getting somewhat of a 3-D presentation now. Must be the added detail. The Superbowl looked mighty fine.

You don’t have to wait for anything to dry or cure to plug back in. You’ll have a different perspective once you start using TC. Its not a liquid. Its more like a very thin paste that ends up looking like you used a very soft pencil to paint the connector surfaces. Just a little dab will do ya. :-)

Ozzie ...

I’d be very interested in knowing exactly how and where you applied your first beta sample. I know that some tweaks are system dependent, but to go from rave reviews from almost everyone whose tried it, to, in your case, hearing no improvement at all seems like a stretch to me. With the system you have, Ozzie, you should be able to hear the effects of the slightest change.

How did you apply the TC and the MS products? What did you apply them to? How long did you leave the TC on? Did you notice any degrading of the sound due to either product?

Not doubting you here Ozzie, just wondering what went wrong if anything.

^^^ Nope, no damage control. Its just that so far, there has been nothing but excellent reviews from those who have taken the plunge and bought the product. I'm figuring that something wasn't right in the way Ozzie used the product. I'd like to help him. Why? Because TC is too good of a product for Ozzie and others not to be enjoying it,

By the way George, you got a small sample to try out. What was your experience? 

George ...

Lets not start anything. So far the "onslaught of accusations" are pretty much nil.

^^^ Perhaps this is why I continually confuse Geoff with George LOFI.  :-)

Ozzy ...

I can't account for the "loss of life" in your system. It was just the opposite here. You say that perhaps you applied too much. It should have gone on as a very thin coating using just a small dab on the tip of a small brush ... and then spread out onto the connection. 

You said that you tried both the TC and the MS products. Which one did you try first? If it was the MS product, were you careful to get all of the oil off before applying the TC? 

How long did you let the TC stay in the system before you removed it? Reason I ask is that in the past I've tried various tweaks where I thought the highs were rolled off a bit. After listening for awhile, I realized that what happened was a dramatic drop in the noise floor, along with a drop in what could be called distortion sizzle. The highs were still there in spades but without the white noise distortion that I mistook for part of the highs. 

^^^ Ozzy ...

Well, its not a perfect world I guess. At this point, I really don't know what to say.

Getting a small amount to do the ends of your fuses would seem a moot point to me, Ozzy. I mean, if you've done your entire system and evaluated the product for three months and only heard a dulling of the sound, I don't suppose you'd hear what pasting the ends of fuses would do for you either. 

In the meantime, there has been real progress in my system as new uses for TC are found in our ongoing experiments.  TC has brought my system to levels only wished for before. The realism is uncanny. 

  • "I think of myself more as a song and dance man, you know."
Someone ... Anyone ... please throw out the hook. 
brigoul ...

Thank you for posting your results. The more connections you apply TC to, the better the results will be. And ... don’t forget to mark your calendar for the four and eight week break-through periods.

Les ...

I'd just apply the TC and enjoy it while the cord is breaking in. 

^^^ I’ve had some connections (speaker cable - bi wired) pasted with the original beta testing version of TC for a year now with no obvious degradation in sound. On the contrary, everything seems to continue to improve. Most of the system is pasted with the version of TC that is presently being sold. It was the final version and is much smoother than the original two versions, each of which was smoother and more refined than that which came before.

Yesterday, I decided to take another chance with the tube pins in the line stage. (ARC REF-3). So far, no issues. The original beta testing product was a bit chunky in that you could see little flecks of graphene in the product. I had a problem with that version and the tube pins. I’m hoping that the smoother final product will eliminate any problems with tube pins. Oddly enough, I did the cartridge pins with the original TC and so far, not one problem at all. No problem on tube pins in other equipment either ... only with the line stage.

As stated before, there is a real jump in SQ at 4 weeks and especially at 8 weeks. It may be system dependent, but both Tim, I, and others have have experienced this phenomenon big time, and at 8 weeks the clarity becomes uncanny with realism. We all know what "see through" quality means in this hobby ... but this is "see through" on steroids.

I am really looking forward to the point where you guys get to experience this. Some of you are getting close to the 4 week period. PLEASE, if you experience what we have experienced with TC when you reach this time point ... post your experiences here. Thanks ...

^^^ I haven’t heard any "expectation bias" regarding TC. I have, however, heard a ton of UNexpectation bias though ... all from those who haven’t seen the product, touched the product, heard the product or used the product. :-)

If I heard the same piece of music ten times, then had someone apply TC to my speaker cables, I’m positive I would hear the difference ....and I’m no fried chicken either.

^^^ Same here, ronrags. As good as it initially is, its nothing compared with what’s to come.

Don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not, but as positive reports like yours are starting to come out, the less the naysayers have to say,

Thanks for posting your results. :-)
