New Tweak --- Its Fantastic


Over the good part of this past year I’ve been beta testing a new tweak, the name of which is "Total Contact." Its a hi-bred graphene contact enhancer that is different from all other contact enhancers that have come and gone for one reason or another. I’m not new to these contact enhancers, having had quite a bit of experience with a product developed by the late Brian Kyle and his "Quick Silver" contact enhancer. The "Total Contact" is different ... a LOT different.

"Total Contact" is graphene based and is not a vibration control. It eliminates micro-arching between two contacts. Micro-arching, much like Micro-vibration smears the sound in our stereo systems. Its the type of distortion that we don’t know is there .... until we eliminate it. There is no break-in as we know it. The sound is improved right off the bat, but what you hear is only a smidgen of what’s to come.

I tested three generations of "TC," each of which was an improvement over the previous incarnation. The final mix was cryogenitically treated and made for a more effective, much smoother application. It comes in a large hypodermic needle type plunger containing 1.5 ml of product and includes a instructional DVD and an application brush.

The application should be applied with a very thin coat to all of your electrical connections .... from your cartridge pins to your power cords. I did my entire system, including the ends of my fuses.

Upon initial application, you will notice an improvement in clarity, correctness of tonal balance and a more overall organic sound. But ... that is just scratching the surface of what this magic paste does. As it cures, the improvements become more apparent. Much more!

There are two real break-through events that happen almost to the day with "Total Contact," one at four weeks and another at eight weeks . At four weeks, you’ll get a real jump in clarity and overall improvement. That’s only a taste though of what’s to come at eight weeks. At eight weeks your system’s focus will make a jump in SQ that is so real - its surreal.

After 40 years in the hobby, and a total tweak nut, I have never heard anything that does what this graphene paste does. The see-through clarity at eight weeks becomes simply amazing. The "paste" eventually cures into a kind of polymer plastic and it seems that the sound improves with each listening session. So, its important that you leave your contacts alone for the duration. If you’re the type of person that continually switches wires in and out, you’ll have to re paste until enough time has elapsed to get "the cure."

The only problem I had was with the first batch and that had to do with shorting out a tube pin in the line stage. Use the "TC" very sparingly on tube pins, if at all. I only had problems with the line stage tube pins. The Amp, CD Player and Phono Stage has had no tube pin problems at all.

Tim Mrock, one of our fellow A’goners, is the developer of the product. Its taken Tim 15 years and several patents to get it right. Tim has "pasted" every electrical contact he can find in his audio system, all of the switches in his circuit breaker box, every contact in his car ... and has used it in commercial applications such as hospital circuit breakers, surgical lights ... and other places where efficiency and long life of electrical components are deemed important.

This product is highly recommended to anyone who truly wants to get the most out of his/her audio systems. There’s enough product in each tube to do at least two audio systems as it just takes a very thin coat on each application to be effective. The last tube was enough to do my system twice and then a friend’s system this past weekend.


PS: There were a couple of other A’goner beta testers of this product as well. Hopefully, they will chime in here with their experiences for comparison. I "pasted" both of Steve Fleschler’s systems a few days ago, perhaps he will comment on his results too. We forgot to paste Steve’s power cords though, so there’s a lot more to be had from Steve’s two fantastic systems.


Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

^^^ jaybe ...

So, after being under constant attack in three different threads over three years, you decide that "Quite a salesman" doesn't have the right to defend himself? Should I remain nothing more than a whipping boy for certain member's infantile egos? Exactly how much crap should a "salesman" have to take before he/she begins to fight back? 

Your solution is to punish a product?  Too bad,  jaybe, because its a great product in spite of what the nay-saying bullies are trying to do here. If you don't buy, they win and achieve their objective ... which is to crush another businessman. They get their rocks off doing this stuff. Yes, its a great product ... and if you don't buy because of my defenses, you will be cutting off your nose to spite your face. 

 And by the way, in spite of what the bullies would  have you believe, if you don't buy, its no skin off of my nose at all. I make nothing off of the sales ... NOTHING. I'm just a fellow audiophile who has found a couple of products that has transformed his audio system and had the desire to share the information with other hobbyists just like you. 

Try to understand, I'm not talking about all those who post here. I'm talking about the main offenders. The rest of the offenders are just followers. I understand that. 

If you go through all three threads -- the two fuse threads and this one, you'll see the same voices spouting the same nonsense. In spite of the overwhelming evidence, they STILL slam after market fuses and the directional quality of those fuses. And now, they come into this thread with keyboards blazing in an effort to destroy this thread as well. Remember ... they haven't seen the product, haven't touched the product, haven't tried the product, and they haven't heard the product. And yet ... they know exactly how it looks, feels and sounds ... with only negative input spewing forth from them.

Would you say that the majority here has found the SR fuses to be a worthwhile upgrade? I would ... probably about 99% positive after tens of thousands of fuses have been sold to a satisfied international audience. The same will hold true with the "Constant Contact." The improvement is that obvious. 

dynaquest4 ...

Two of my posts were removed as well ... for the same reason your's was. Come on dynaquest!

Have a great, productive day. 

jaybe sez ...

" I’m not bothered at all by what you consider "bullies".

You’re not bothered by the bullying? Gee, I wonder why?

" It is true however that Mad Scientist Audio’s graphene contact enhancer products are $79 tops, so that’s hard to ignore. Otherwise I have no stake and don’t care to get involved and will let my wallet do the talking."

We live in what’s left of a free market system. We still have choices in our purchases. Buy the product that fits your wallet and your prejudices. If that is what the Mad Scientist produces and it makes you happy, then I say buy it.

Old adage: "Ya pays yer money ... and ya gets what ya pays for."

"I’m sure that low road response will be coming..."

No "low-road response" from me. After all, you’re just another consumer making a free choice.

One thing to consider jaybe ... you have made the choice to NOT buy a product based upon bully tactics. This is exactly what the Negative Nellies wanted. You lose, they win.

" but I’ll be elsewhere. "

Too bad. Check in once in awhile and read the upcoming extremely positive results and reviews once Total Contact hits the market. Should be in a week or two. ’Till then, you might want to save your money.

Take care ...


hifiman ...

Thank you for the reasonable, intelligent post. Tim will be posting here soon and I suspect he and other’s will be talking about how graphene makes electrical systems more efficient. In reading the six pages, did you come across the post I made about Tim’s experience with lighting in hospital OR’s?

marqmike ...

Thank a lot for your kind words and rebuttal. Here’s the quote of the day so far:

" It is strange to me how somebody seems to get all bent out of shape over a persons sharing his joy in what he has discovered with others."

That is exactly my main point with these guys. They are out to kill that joy. What else could it be? I keep asking them what their intent is. To date, I haven’t received an answer. Either they haven’t given their intent any thought, or they know what it is and won’t dare to claim it.

Carp ...

Two of my posts were removed as well. So ... you can stop whining. And by the way, go back and read my posts. You’ll discover that I took a defensive stand against aggression in ... I think every case. Attacking the attacker, if you will.

You can call me on it if you wish.

Have a very productive day.

hifiman ...

Yes, I’m in agreement with Carp on that issue. Graphene and graphite is already being used in industry and defense. Tim and I had a very interesting conversation the other day about Tesla cars and how their performance, as good as it already is, could totally benefit from graphene applications. Stay tuned to the thread ... Tim will be explaining things in detail soon.

Carp ...

Don’t be fooled by a softer approach. No one has "talked to me about it." The fact is, no one has attacked me here so far today. You can bet that I will be defending myself when the time comes though. When slapped, I tend to slap back. 

Again ... have a productive day.

Carp & Hifiman ...

Anything political seems to be off limits here .... and for good reason. I absolutely love politics. In addition to music, literature (especially political history), my children, grandchildren and yes, my great grandchildren, politics is my driving force.

With that said, I don’t mind sharing with you guys that I used to belong to another site (not audiophile related) that had a politics section. I was a moderator on that forum. I thought it was great fun at first, but it soon denigrated into friends becoming enemies. In today’s political climate, it would be a lot worse. Therefore, as much as I would love to debate politics with some of you, I support the mods on this forum to keep the politics out. I think we should all respect that.

When a post is deleted by a moderator here on A’gon, the "offending" poster is notified via Email that their post was deleted and the reason why. Usually the deleted post had nothing to do with audio and everything to do with a lack of respect for another member. I think the categories for deletions are:

1. Lack of respect for other members ... like personal attacks.
2. Political discussions
3. Religious discussions.
4. Other things that don’t really pertain to audio.

There’s most likely more that I can’t think of right now ... but the key word is to watch our "P’s" and "Q’s" and for sure, try to be kinder in our dialogues.

Its fairly simple really. Just include something about audio along with your insults. *lol* That was a joke, Carp. :--)

robergerma sez:

"Anybody tried the gold dust/WD40 tweak for contact enhancement?"

Not  me. Sounds pretty messy. What have the results been for you?   

^^^ Yeah ... 23 skidoo and oh you kid. 


PS ... Don't take any wooden nickles. 
Guyz ...

Just for clarification: The Total Contact has been referred to "goop" a few times here. That’s not an accurate description at all. Its not a "liquid" ... its more like a powder in suspension. You’ll most probably get a little on your fingers during the application. It has the appearance as though you rubbed very soft pencil lead on your fingers. Same for the contacts that you paste. You end up with a dull looking grey material that completely covers the shiny connectors. No "goop." That’s what the other guys have. :-)

How hard is it to take off? Rubbing alcohol and a cotton swab or Q-tip will do the job in short order.

My friend Robert came over for dinner and a listening session last night.  We hit the 8-week point during the session. One recording really stood out ... It was an early stereo LP of Rosemary Clooney  singing good old American ballads. There was that super clarity again ... a see-through presentation with RC's voice sounding more articulate than ever. The Total Contact is truly good stuff. 

Dinner? Trout, mashed potatoEs and string beans. :-)

ps ...

If you read this thread carefully, you’ll discover the differences. Its true, in general we do get what we pay for.

I’m not here to knock someone else’s products, not at all ... especially when I haven’t tried them in my system. That’s what the looters and the destroyers do. I’d say that if you’re curious, try both products and then do a comparison review.

I’ve heard about the Mad Scientist’s enhancer from some who have tried it ... maybe they will chime in here. I find it interesting that they haven’t taken the time to do so already.

I have no further comment on the Mad Scientist’s enhancer as I have had no personal experience with it at all.

brigoul ...

Thanks for posting the link to that wonderfully accurate review.


ps ...

Did you click on the link and read the review? If so, what say you?? And yes, its that good. Maybe even 10x as good. :-)

fazee ...

You don’t have to wait for it to set. Just paste the connections, then reconnect.

ps ...

I hope you’ll come into this thread and report your results with the Mad Scientist’s product. I hope its everything you need.

^^^ List the $10 contact enhancing products that contain graphene Randy and I’ll tell you if I’ve compared them or not.

Keep the faith, Tom.

Going right along with the great economist Adam Smith, the invisible hand of the free market is already driving prices down. Randy-11 is going to supply us with a whole list of manufactures who are offering graphene contact products intended for audio at only ten bucks a pop.

Randy-11 sez:  " where are the listening tests showing it is better than the products that cost $10????"

Randy? Where's the list? Inquiring minds want to know.  

Carp ...

Read the above several posts. Randy intimated that he could buy graphene based contact enhancers either identical to, or similar to, the Total Contact for ten bucks. I simply asked him for a list of the manufactures. To date, no list has been forthcoming. Then posters chimed in with graphene products like batteries and shields. Hard to paste IC’s and PC’s with batteries and shields, wouldn’t you say? :-)

The old adage that "A sucker is born every minute" is valid. When only price is taken into account, especially with no experience with a more expensive product, disappointment is usually what follows. I challenge Randy to apply what he’s bought to his tube pins and see what happens. The binder in the product he’s buying is oil based, thin, and is a real mess, not to mention that oil becomes rancid over time. Have I tried it myself? No ... but I am relying on the information supplied by those who have.

Randy and his ilk refuse to believe the positive results achieved so far by others who are now using Total Contact in their audio systems with not just good results, but with reportedly astounding results. Therefore, my comment that there is a sucker born every minute.

Like I said before, one can buy a very nice Kia SUV for under 25 grand. A new Ferrari will set you back 250 grand. I believe folks like Randy, assuming he’s not just trying to stir the pot in this thread, is expecting Ferrari performance from a Kia. Ain’t gonna happen my friend. Just ain’t gonna happen.

Not trying to start anything here either ... just countering ignorant statements. And, I’m not calling anyone here "stupid" either ... just "ignorant." Big difference between the two. And ... I’ve learned that unless I’m VERY explicit in this forum things get painted with a broad brush. I’m not referring to everyone here as ignorant, only a select few, and only on the subject of one product, and that is Total Contact. Well ... maybe the improvements afforded by upgraded PCs, IC’s and certain room treatments also. Same guys, same ignorant statements. Do the research on their previous posts over time and you’ll see what I’m driving at.

Take care ...

Carp ,,,

What are we supposed to do with comments like dynquest4 just made? I know that conventional wisdom would be to just ignore him, but what has to be taken into consideration here is his attempt to destroy a product before it even hits the market. That may not be his intent, he may just be trying to be funny, but the financial destruction of a businessman is the possible result. Should he be countered? What would we do with a common arsonist? They burn down the achievements of others for some kind of weird sexual gratification, right? I have to wonder what dynaquest4's motivation is ...

A Kia is a Kia ... A Ferrari is a Ferrari ...


ps ...

In the spirit of cooperation, here's an example of what I'm alluding to. You said:

" I am not ready to spend $300 dollars on a product that is yet untested by fellow audiophiles or marketplace."

Read the posts man. There are a number of your fellow audiophiles who have been using Constant Contact and reporting back in this thread about the fantastic results. I may have missed it, but so far, I haven't seen any positive reports, on the product you decided to buy. I have heard from some who have tried it and they tell me its an oily mess. Perhaps you can fill us in with your results. In fact, that's a good idea. When you get a good handle on it, write a review right  here in this thread. That would be interesting. 

Thanks ...

ps ...

Well, too bad. Sorry you don't get the concept of destruction.

I don't know how I could have been nicer in my last post to you. You're going to try a "competing" product, and all I did was ask you for a review when you get a handle on it. Good bye. I wish you well. 

dynaquest ...

No violins or defensive whining playing here, not by me at least. I just reported the facts. Go back and read all of the fuse threads and this one as well, then come back and answer one question .... who has been under constant attack by the few (very few) arsonists on this site? Ted Denney, Tim Mrock and myself, that's who. After rereading the posts, you'd have to be Helen Keller to have missed it. 

What kind of research data would satisfy you?  Have you missed the others besides me who have verified my results in their own systems? I guess you've missed that too. 

You said: "  I have no desire to diminish Mr. Mrock’s product."  If that's the truth, then why are you continuing to do so? 

dynaquest sez:

"You go back and re-read all these posts. I NEVER said that."

No, dyna ... you go back and show me where I ever said that about YOU. Man, you are one over-sensitive individual.   

Then you said this:

" If you are "under attack" and don’t want to be; change your defensive (I’ll slap back) attitude. While that may make you feel more manly, it is doing little to promote your one and only product on it’s one and only marketing platform."

Look, its not about "feeling more manly." Its about getting constantly demeaned and insulted by a few posters here and on other threads. I only have four cheeks to turn :-) and I've turned all four of them, only to be slapped down again. Should I just sit and take it "like a man," or do I have the right to defend myself? Again, I wasn't placed upon this earth to be the whipping boy for infantile egos. Neither was Tim Mrock or Ted Denney.

In addition, its not MY product, its Tim Mrock's product. I'm not on the payroll. I don't get a commission. Yes, I was fortunate to be able to be a beta tester for Tim.  Tim will tell you that I was very reluctant at first because of my earlier negative experiences with contact enhancers. He convinced me to try it and I did. My first reaction after the initial application to the entire system was wow. After the four week break-in period the wow went to WOW. At eight weeks the WOW went to ... Thank you sweet Jesus! Bless you Tim!!

The best part, even better than the product itself, is that I've acquired a new friend in Tim ... a very bright, positive, dedicated person who wants  nothing more than to make hobbyists like you and me happy. He has a terrific product and deserves to be rewarded well for it. THAT is what the naysayers are trying to burn down and destroy, whether they realize it or not. For the life of me, I don't know why you and others don't get that.

Have a positive, productive day tomorrow ...


geoffkait ...

Go back and read this thread from the beginning. If you do, you’ll find where I said that Brian Kyle and I became friends, even meeting up at CES in Las Vegas going from room to room trying to talk the "dealers" into pasting their systems. We were successful with one very prominent dealer and the system was definetly improved. It was Brian himself who instructed me on how to apply his product. I found that it degraded over time ... and I’m not the only one. Rest assured though that I admire your affection for Brian.

Where would I go today to buy Quicksilver Gold? Is that what Walker sells??

rotaryphone ...

One of the best things I did in high school was to take six semesters of typing. I type so fast that sometimes I think my keyboard will catch on fire. It took me no longer than three minutes to type everything in this particular post and that’s with aged arthritic hands. :-)

Carry on ...

dynaquest ...

Once again ... you haven’t seen the product. You haven’t touched the product. You haven’t heard the product. And yet, you somehow know ... you just KNOW that its "a small thing," and "maybe provides a very subtle, not necessarily audible change." More destruction, dynaquest? Here’s a box of matches. Burn baby burn!!!

If you are such the clairvoyant, the next time I go to Santa Anita to watch the thoroughbreds circle the track, would you go with me? We’ll make a veritable fortune!

And by the way, I was addressing The Spirit of Jesus, not "The Baby Jesus." So even here you don’t have a clue of what you’re saying.

Like Ted Denney’s fuses and room treatments, I no longer consider this product a "tweak." I consider it to be another component that really enhances audio systems.

I’ll be doing another ultra high end system shortly. Stay tuned for the owner's reaction and take it from there.

Have a great day ...


PS: This post took exactly 2.5 minutes to type and another minute to edit. :-)

clearthink ...

Thank you. Finally someone who gets it. I agree that most anti-posters are exactly what you describe, but there are a few who delight in arson. :-)

dynaquest ...

Most people who are well off didn't get their money from mommy and daddy. They worked their friggin' butts off, took risks and marched to a different drummer. How many truly wealthy people have you known personally that you could call "friend?"  Envy is a terrible emotion and so self defeating. Too bad ..

Again, have a productive day ...

Steve ... 

Where I once liked you ... I am beginning to love you. I can hardly wait to treat mrbob's system. Stay tuned. His is a highly resolving system with an amazing sound stage. There is more invested in his speakers (the great Ventures) than in my entire ARC system and the Siggie III's.  His results should be even more amazing than either one of us has attained combined. Stay tuned ...

Music recommendation:

I was listening to this with my morning coffee:

If you like solo double bass, this one is a killer. Bach suites played on double bass with great sound? Ha, morning music with home roasted Guatemalan organically grown coffee from small family owned fair trade farms? Doesn’t get much better than that.

And by the way guys ... if you love great coffee, here’s the place to start:

If you would like my recommendations on roasting equipment, which coffees to order or brewing equipment, please feel free to ask.

Oh, and for the "frugal" among us, rest assured that the green beans are way cheaper than what you have been buying at the store, and over time the cost of the roasting/brewing equipment will pay for itself. If you're used to the swill Starbucks sells and think that that garbage is great ... well, you are in for a real treat.

Take care ...

clearthink ...

Exactly right. For the price of 300 bucks its as though you’ve upgraded all of your electronics and your speakers. What would that cost?

Randy ...

Here’s your exact quote from page one:

"try a test against Tweak do it blind"

 Old adage Randy ... you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can fool all of the people all of the time. Nice try, but no Kewpie Doll. 

Hey, how 'bout lightening up a bit and being more respectful to your fellow A'goners before the mods crack down? 


^^^ Thank you so much, marqmike. ... much appreciated.

Honestly, if a product I’ve tried doesn’t work as advertised, I’d either say so, or remain silent. A good example of this is Herbie’s tube dampeners. Another A’goner turned me on to them and they made a significant improvement over the dampening rings supplied with my ARC gear. I’ve said so many times on this forum ... and started a thread on them. Conversely, I tried Herbie’s "Black Hole" CD dampening mat. It did nothing. It did nothing bad ... just nothing at all. I didn’t mention it because I am not an arsonist who would burn Herbie’s business down. It may make a significant difference in someone else’s system though. It has really good reviews. If anyone wants it, speak up. $20 bucks and its your’s. You pay shipping. I’ll use the $20 toward my next coffee purchase from:    :-)

Carp ...

I’m afraid you’ve read too much into my dishonesty comment, and I don’t mean any disrespect in this response to you, so please don’t read too much into it either.

People IN GENERAL are not inherently dishonest ... but SOME people are. What am I basing that opinion on? 50 years of experience in the people business ... 100% commissioned sales. Here’s a good example:

Question to my seller: "How’s the roof ... any leaks?"
Seller’s answer: "Oh no, the roof is fine, we just had it tuned up."

Buyer moves in. First rain and I get the dreaded phone call ... "Hey Frank, my roof is leaking like a sieve. I went up into the attic and there’s a bunch of buckets up there trying to catch the leaks!!! I’m getting an attorney!!! I’m going to sue the SOB who sold me the house." Well, of course, the seller is now living across the country in Tennessee and will be impossible to collect from.

Or how about this one when I was newer and more naive? ... Seller has moved out and living in Northern California leaving me to market the house in Southern California:

Me: "Hey Joe, the city inspector says that the kitchen needs a new garbage disposal and the bathroom needs the electrical outlet to be upgraded."

My seller: Oh, crapolla. I won’t have any money until escrow closes."

Me: "No problem Joe, I’ll pay for the parts and the handyman. You can pay me back when escrow closes."

My seller: "You’re a real gem Frank. Thanks a lot. I’ll recommend you to all of my friends."

Close of escrow comes, the reimbursement money never comes. One phone call to the seller and the response was ... "well, why don’t you drive up here to Northern California and try to collect it, sucker!"

Here’s another one ...

Seller was an FBI agent. He freshly painted the living room downstairs to make the house more presentable. When he moved out, escrow was closed and we discovered that he had painted around the couch and was too damned lazy to move it and paint behind it. No matching paint could be found. The buyer had to repaint the entire living room.

Oh and then there’s the old trick of placing a throw rug on the carpet to hide the spaghetti sauce stain that won’t come out of the carpet ... and now a complete carpet replacement is required ... after the seller is moved an currently living who knows where?

Everyone of the above examples is the truth. I don’t know how long its been since the last time you’ve bought or sold a home, but this is the reason the files are about a foot thick these days ... made up mostly of disclosure statements. Those disclosures aren’t there to protect the pubic from the brokers .. they are there to protect the public from each other.

Put up with that over a 40 year real estate career and you soon learn that SOME people are dishonest. MOST people wouldn’t have lied about the roof, and MOST people would have reimbursed me for my out of pocket expenses that were used to fix their deferred maintenance. MOST people would have moved the couch and painted behind it, and MOST people don’t hide carpet stains under throw rugs. SOME do though.

Simple as that ...

geoffkait ...

You just said, referring to me ... "but, like you, thinks Tweek is great."   

Where did I ever say that I think Tweek is great? I don't recall ever using it. 

Bruebeck and Bennet? Now yer talkin' ...

I just love Paul Desmond. Never had the chance to hear those guys live though, Their home base was up around San Francisco. They played there a lot. I spent a lot of my high school daze at the Lighthouse in Hermosa Beach though. Want to hear some amazing West Coast jazz? Check these guys out:

Youtube video ...

Try not to get too hung up on the cover ... :-)

Randy ...

Is it ever going to occur to you that you're way over matched here and becoming quite stale. Plus, you're outnumbered at this point.  Its time to end the banter and start treating people around here with respect and decency. In other words, you're becoming a boring troll. No offense dude ... but its the truth. If you can't turn yourself around, then take the high road like "PS" did ... or perhaps just hit the road.  

Do you have any music to recommend other than Rap and Metal? Come on ... surely you listen to music, right? Inquiring minds want to know. 

Carp ...

I had two posts deleted recently too. I thought they were rather benign, similar to yours. mapman is correct about the "report" button. It could have been used by someone who feels he has lost the argument, and as a result, has fallen out of favor here. 

Human nature, while very interesting, can be totally weird sometimes. Envy and jealousy are terrible emotions to have. When denied, some become vindictive and turn to destruction. I think THAT is the intent of a few who post here. 

Thanks for the well wishes. The launch date for the new product is very soon, so that will be exciting. 

Rest assured Carp, I don't think you're a "jerk" at all. In fact, you're one of the good guys. Plus, you can write well and express your thoughts well. I appreciate that. 

I wish you would stick around to observe the results as the Total Contact starts getting out into the general public. Once it does, the positive reports will far outweigh any attempt the arsonists make in their effort to burn Tim's business down to the ground. Its THAT good.

Stay tuned ...


Scroll through the pages in this thread. Almarg researched the patents and came up with two. No website either, and that’s been covered in an earlier post. So ... nothing smells. Release date in a few days and it will be sold though Audiogon.

Here’s Almarg’s findings with a link: "The only patents I could find in a search of both granted patents and patent applications at, using "Mrock" as the search term, were these two. "

Buy it ... you’ll like it. :-)

deeperthought ...

Thank you for doing that research. 

^^  "During this phenomenon, the electrons of graphene exhibit the properties of massless particles and are not bounced or reflected because of the presence of the barrier"

 ^^   Because the electrons in graphene can move like particles of zero mass, the electrons propagate at a rate faster than any known conductor at room temperature. The electrons in graphene do not scattering ..."  

^^   electrons are free to move in the plane; therefore, graphene has a good conductivity, thus, at room temperature, it exhibits semi-integer quantum Hall effect, bipolar electric field effect, superconductivity,"

^^ Is this why micro arcing is reduced or eliminated?

And then this:

"  As an anti-corrosion agent - Graphene is hydrophobic and can offer very high levels of anti-corrosive protection"

^^  So, no  need to clean Constant Contact off and reapply periodically. 

And finally:

"   Conductivity of correct mixtures of Graphene paste increases over time and offers a high gauge factor:"

^^  This  could explain the 4 week and 8 week breakthroughs. Maybe Tim would chime in here. 

Thanks again ... interesting stuff. :-)


deeperthought ...

I found this in the info you supplied:

" The researchers say that coating the copper with one-layer graphene sheets increased heat conducting properties up to 24%. They say that this method could be used to built better hybrid copper – graphene interconnects for electronic chips. The researchers explain that the improvement is the result of changes in copper’s nano- and microstructure, not from graphene’s action as an additional heat conducting channel."

So, when WE apply it to our connections, are we in effect eliminating the copper in the connections and replacing it with graphene?

"Most here will not be unhappy to see me go."

True Dat. 

"also, unlike a few here, I just have other interests in life beyond Audiogon."  

Increasing one's typing skills helps.

I had Robert over for pizza and a listening session last night. We had a blast listening to Martin Denny and Arthur Lyman recordings. Robert’s constant comments: "I knew these recordings were good, but not THAT good!" Yep, the system continues to improve with each listening session. Like Tom’s post above, I hadn’t listened to the system for a couple of days and yet the improvement was definitely there. The latest Total Contact treatment is still maturing with the sound improving as it does ... leaving me and Robert wondering just how much better will the system get.

For those of you who have not discovered Martin Denny and Arthur Lyman recordings, here’s what you’re looking for:

Both mono and stereo versions are good. One CD we listened to had the first 13 cuts in mono. It was fantastic. If you like Tropical/Exotic/ Polynesian music from the 50’s & 60’s with all of the drums, gongs, rattles, voices and great sound, give them a try. The entry price certainly is right.

cheapbob ...

I have to tell you, this little Kenwood CD player is pretty amazing. It lacks low bass, but the mids and highs are really good. Right there with some of the best I've heard, including my temporarily defunct ARC player. All I did to the Kenwood was to paste the PC and IC's with Total Contact, put some good footers under it, and a VPI brick on top. Another "cheap" player to consider is the old "Sharp." Similar in sound to the Kenwood, and maybe even a little better. Usually available on Ebay for under 100 bucks. These old CD players can be problematic, but when working right, can be pretty amazing too. 

Today, Robert and I are going down to Steve Fleischer's house to finish pasting his system. We still have all of his PC's and speaker cables to do.   So ... more smiles for Steve. :-)

We spent the afternoon at Steve Fleischer’s home pasting his two systems with Total Contact and listening to music. We’re waiting for Steve’s comments.

"Frankly, the absurd marketing claims are back firing heavily."

^^^ More idiocy from the arsonist.    

^^^ geoffkait ...

There is a definite improvement right off the bat, very similar to installing a whole complement of SR Blue fuses. With nothing else done, at four weeks there is an additional breakthrough in SQ.

Between the four week and eight week time span, I was in the hospital and rehab hospital recovering from heart surgery. So ... I hadn’t turned the system on for over four weeks. That took me slightly beyond the eight week jump. When I got home and took my first listen, the eight week phenomenon had already set in. In my system, it was amazing.

Everything was the same ... all the things we like about audio. Still tonally correct. BUT now there was a super clarity that I had not experienced in ANY audio system before except in Randy Cooley’s room at the Newport show a few years ago. Could it have been his 150k turntable, 10k arm, 10k cartridge, the Vandersteen 7’s, and his super ARC reference electronics causing all of that transparency, who knows? All I know is that I’m getting a healthy taste of that sound now with a far, far, more modest system. I heard a bit of it on both of Steve’s systems yesterday after pasting his electronics and speaker cables with the Total Contact.

Steve is raving about the gain in SQ that yesterday brought him. He’s just scratching the surface. If he gets the same clarity I did at eight weeks, and I’m confident he will, he’s in for a real treat.

So, to address your concerns >>> Nope, no other changes between the four weeks and eight weeks in my case. I didn’t even clean the contacts before applying the Total Contact. Nothing. Nada.
