New to the game. Need some beginners advice.

I have always been in to audio. I asked for a receiver and a pair of 10's for my 12th birthday. I have always been a receiver kind of guy. Now, I want to do it right.

Can someone point me to a resource that can list the different components of a typical audiophile's system and their functions? I am trying to get away from just a simple home theater receiver and get more out of the speakers I own (I have the full Jamo D8 line). I have the ability to purchase some used Adcom and NAD amps from a friend at a great price according to the bluebook, but I need some advice on starting out. Any help is appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xwaryan
RMAF is a good place to start, or some other audio show nearer to Waryan. Many big cities have audio societies. I'd also put out a feeler on all of the forums, asking if s/he could stop by to have a listen - IME people love to show off their systems. Hit all of the stores and dealers within a few/several hours driving distance. Any other ideas?
Rockadanny and Sebrof, not long ago there were two high end emporiums within easy driving distance from me. I spent a lot of time at both of them. Now, I have yet to find how I'm going to audition some speakers I might like. Not many of us can afford to fly to L.A. in order to audition speakers.