New Teres 360

I was just over at VA and saw this:

Teres 360

It is a must see!
"I did not think he was delving into metals as a means of improving the sonics of the table..."

That's exactly what he HAS been doing, at least since June when we spoke about the sonic effects of brass and other materials at Cello's gathering.

TWL hit on alot of the things that CB was mentioning.
OK, Doug, I understand from your post that this is what he HAS been doing. Sorry I wasn't able to attend the festivities and learn this first-hand and also for apparently crudely interpreting his comments on AA.

I fully accept that others might find the brass-look appealing. I'm not saying they are wrong. To each his/her own. And, in limited amounts, I might agree. If the only reason for implementing the brass or other metals is to improve sonics, good for the sonics, but it is my opinion that it should be disguised, because it is not something I would buy, personally. Wonder if the brass, or whatever, could be implemented beneath a thin layer of veneer for those who prefer all-wood. Maybe that would violate what ever benefits were gained, though.
Sorry for not responding. I have been slammed with getting ready for RMAF. Can't say much now other than that TWL is on the mark. More details after the show....

Thanks Chris, but I have a question. Tom stated that the belt runs on the brass. I keep looking at the picture, and it looks like it rides on the wood. Can you clarify?
Joe, perhaps I didn't look at the photo correctly.
I saw the color of the belt, and it looked like the same color as the brass, so I thought it was running on the brass part.