New Scout & MH MM-7 or old Linn Sondek. ?????

I'm torn up. I have a line on all three of these TT's. The Linn has all the upgrades, and i can get it for $1200, (which is a steal, right?). However I would like to get something new. What's all the rave about this old Linn setup anyway. Wouldn't a brand new VPI Scout, or Music Hall-7 be just as good, if not a little better? I want to make the right choice, becouse I don't want to buy another TTagain.
At that time owned a cheap Roksan with a Tabriz Zi and a Chorus Black, a Michell Gyro with a Rega and later one of the normal Well Tempered's .....
Most bought used, each one of these sounded much more real and balanced, and the Dynamic Range was something total different.

Any way , I am intelligent enough to know in what direction a question is going, and I never pushed a product in my mails and I never was a dealer or made money with that. And But I still think, a Linn player is nothing remarkable ....
And a good design has nothing to do with a price ?
Or ?
Babyz- Thomas' implication that the LP12 is crap shows where he's coming from..... It may not be the greatest TT of all time but no one would call it "crap". I would also take issue with the statement "most of them were sold from (sic) their owners". If this were true, you'd see a lot more of them for sale as they were the largest selling "high-end" TT of all time. The facts don't support his assertion.
If you get a chance to buy one for a good price, do so. Use some of the money you save and buy yourself a VPI or Nitty Gritty record cleaner (IMO a necessity, not an option).
Thanks for all of your input. I purchased the Linn yesterday. Will receive it in a couple of days. I'm excited, but have a nagging feeling about that VPI.After all it's brand new for the same price. I'm sure that it will be fine. I really don't think if you spend more thatn $1,500 your going to get that much more improvement. If $1,500 doesn't get you all the sounds that are on the record, than somebody is takeing you for a ride. But, that's just my opinion, I'm new to this high end audio reproduction thing. Thanks again!
Nice table and welcome to the audio addiction.

1500$ for all the musical information??

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