New Review on AricAudio amplifier & speakers

Hey Everybody,

Just submitted to Stereo Times a review entitled "The ultimate combo for SET aficionados". The review covers the superlative AricAudio Super 2A3 SET two chassis amplifier and Aric’s first pair of speakers called the Spectre 12 speakers that he designed to be matched with SET "Flea Watt" amplifiers. If you own any of Aric’s tube creations or use SET amplifiers you owe it to yourself to audition them with your SET amplifiers. Very special in design and build quality. The details about this combo will be in the review. However, both are special pieces and deserve attention here on AudioGon.

Teajay (Terry London)


Hey guys,

The Stereo Times review was posted this morning. 

Hope you enjoy reading it, Teajay

Thank you TJ! The link to the review is below for any who are interested:


Best, Aric