New or used?

So I've continuously heard that at least below 2 grand, money is better spent on a used, refurbished turntable - rather than a new model. BUT I've never heard why! (at least beyond "they're better"). If it's so clear that "they're better" - why do new TT's do well, particularly in this large price range. Also, sound off if you think new is the way to go.
Used is cheaper, new is not. It's as simple as that and does not depend on price. Most new products are continually evolving. They just cost is all.
i would agree with david12.most of my purchases over the years have been used with the exception of cartridges.not to say there aren't some dangers involved,as in no warranty and an item being misrepresented.
I have bought all my equipment used with the exception of my turntable. Don't know why I went new on those exactly, just a feeling that it is delicate and I wanted to be able to send it back or have a warranty if I had a problem I guess.