New or used???

I'm currently building a two-channel system starting with the speakers, and of all the speakers in the $3-$6K price range I have listened to (including Joseph RM25XL, Paradigm S6, B&W 804S, Totem Forest, Thiel CS 2.4, PSB Synchrony 1) the Von Schweikert VR-4JR, Dali Helicon 400 and Sonus Faber Grand Pianos and Cremonas all stood out for me.

Here's my dilemma ... For budgetary concerns (and so my fiancée doesn't kill me), I'm trying to keep the speaker purchase near $5K. I was wondering if any of you have any advice on buying new (the VR-4JRs or Dalis) vs. used (such as picking up the Cremonas or a pair of VR-4SRs used) as well as your opinion on how these speakers compare to each other. Thanks for your help.
Your initial post suggested, to me at least, that a speaker purchase was just your starting off point and that appropriate supporting equipment would be forthcoming. If your entire budget hovers around $5000 then Jj2468 is absolutely correct. Don't blow your entire budget on speakers. Use the audiogon classifieds and keep asking for help on these forums - there are some knowledgeable people here. IMO, the synergy between your equipment is more important than the equipment.


Tvad, this post screams for your input.
If budget for everything is $5k (though your post explicitly states speakers only to start with), by all means spread it around. If just speakers, you will get a lot more bang for buck out of used than new.

I have bought almost everything used - speakers (twice), amps (3x), CD player (2x), preamp (1x), turntables (4x), phono (1x), crossover (1x), cables (several). The only stereo equipment I've bought new in the last 25yrs are a few odd accessories, a cartridge, a tonearm, and a phono stage. That and LOTS AND LOTS OF MUSIC.

If you want to spend your hard-earned money and keep what you buy for a long time, spend some time listening before you buy. Do a search of audio clubs in your area and see if you can't get invited to some members' homes for a listen. There are very few things which show up only once (so you can afford to wait), and there are certainly lots of choices in that price range if going used. For that money, definitely listen first. One could get large Thiels, nice Magnepans, Merlins, older Soundlabs, the Shahinian Obelisks (cheaper than $5k but I'd love to listen to them), you might find some used horns in that range, some electrostats such as Innersound or MartinLogan, and the list goes on... [disclaimer: no affiliation with anyone selling anything]
I apologize for seeming to mislead everyone. My budget for a system is around $10K, and the Bose definitely won't be a part of the system. I was thinking either separate amp and preamp or going with an integrated (I've heard both the Macintosh MA6900 and the Musical Fidelity A1008, and both were great), but any input is much appreciated. I did also hear the Grand Pianos and, although they were impressive, the Cremonas were clearly a big step up.
Nice sounding gear from the UK that has great synergy is the Rega Apollo CD player, Rega P3-24 turntable, integrated amps by either RFD or Roksan (I have the Kandy), and ATC 11 or 19 speakers or B & W 803s. NAD makes great amps, the 372 and M3, both made in China, which can be interchanged for the RFD or Roksan. The whole system will set you back a few thousand.
Jhkear, that clarification will help.

You did not mention what music you like and what your listening priorities are and these would help Audiogoners help you. If your like listening to electronica quite loud, and want to have your lungs vibrate a bit like on the floor of a Moscow danceclub, the 6900 and Cremonas won't cut it (but $10k is more than fine). If you like to listen to closely-miked string quartets (with ever-so-delicate phrasings) more than anything else in the world, you might consider horns (or other efficient speakers) and a low-power single-ended amplifier. There are a range of solutions in between.

I think the MA6900 is decent too, but I would listen around to see if there is anything else which floats your boat.

I also advise searching the forum archives for "$10k" or "$10,000" to see what pops up. There may be quite a few threads asking for similar advice on systems.