New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

I don’t think it would make good business sense, you know, for the long haul, to price The Gate so high if it was a box full of capacitors. Since, you know, people would catch on to that pretty quick. No, it’s something more, shall we say, mysterious.

An advanced technology only has to be one or two steps ahead of the power curve to be indistinguishable from magic.
But, in my defense, I’m No. 1, Mr. Bluster. I’ve always been No. 1. I’m not sure I like the term colored pebbles. How about pebbles of color? Power to the pebble! ✊

Besides, I think you mean evidence, not proof. You always get that wrong. 

An ordinary man has no means of deliverance. - Audiophile axiom
Listening as we speak to Steve Miller Band Live! on my Sony Walkman CD player. I have an eMat under the player, where it has been for about a week. This first listen. Holy Crap! Wide open, dynamic and highly entertaining! The Walkman is up on a 2Hz iso stand and has New Dark Matter on the tray and the Mystery Tweak on the CD.
I tried once to nudge it back on topic but I guess some folks are pretty thick skinned.

>>>>I’m not sure thick skinned is the best choice of words. Here are some words that might fit in better.

My approach to RFI/EMI is four fold.
1. Turn the entire house into a first order Faraday cage. Flying Saucers 🛸 🛸
2. Block RF from entering unused wall outlets. Flying Saucers 🛸 🛸
3. Block RF from entering unused RCA jacks on the back of components.
4. Scatter tiny little bowl acoustic resonators around the room and house. 🍲  🍲 

Pop quiz 1 - What is the frequency of RF that can squeeze through the tiny openings of unused RCA jacks?

Why no answer to the PM I sent you?


>>>>That’s gold, Jerry, gold!! 💰 💰 
So, I take you guys are sticking with your RFI/EMI story for the eMats. Well, here’s another clue for you all, the walrus was Paul, no wait a sec, I mean why is the eMat effective UNDER my CD player. Do you really think it soaks up RF like a sponge? 🧽 Or that it’s a RF magnet? 🧲 I.e., a photon magnet? Do I have to shake out my eMat every so often to get the big clump of photons off it?

jafreeman OP
524 posts11-25-2019 3:05pm"I mean why is the eMat effective UNDER my CD player."

Uh, because if it was on top, you couldn’t use the player?

>>>>>Didn’t you forget a smiley face? 😀 Be that as it may I’d don’t reckon we’re on the same page yet. 
Solid state. Say, aren’t quantum dots solid state? 😳 You know, like the WA Quantum Power Chip. Like the WA Quantum Chip for Fuses. Like the Intelligent Chip. 🤓
Tony says step off, George! That’s gold, Jerry, gold! Comedy is subjective. I’m not political. I’m just trying to make people laugh. Am I part of the protest? No. No, I don’t believe any of that. I don’t believe in anything. I just thought it’d be good for my act. 
The Lazy Boy recliner. Just barely better-sounding than the horrid sounding IKEA POANG chair. Good choice!
Not, so fast there, kemo sabe. There are quite a few legitimate reasons why the sound got better, I mean other than the mat. It’s important I think to keep a log to be able to figure the whole “cause and effect” thing out. It’s part and parcel of the scientific method. Weather conditions, time of day, day of week, changes made casually to the system, taking things out of the room. This is a little bit too anecdotal. Any of this sound familiar? 

No single test is conclusive but isn’t it pretty to think so. 🌹 🌹
That post was not as funny as I was hoping it would be. For those interested, it’s spelled Geoff Kait’s comedy troupe. But troop is very close, I admit. But a little bit too suggestive of F Troop or the Boy Scouts.
I’m not only the President of Hair Club for Men I’m also a client. 
If the mats work on RF how come they take so long to break in? Do the radio waves have to be beaten into submission? Not to mention there are always new radio waves coming to the rescue. Seems like a perpetual motion machine to me. Agree? Disagree? Talk amongst yourselves. Smoke if ya got em.
It sounds like maybe we need an Angie’s List for weird audiophile thingamabobs. Or Yelp. Someone you can trust.
jafreeman OP
"Impacts: Electric field, magnetic field, EM wave (RF), gravity, or purely mechanical. Pick 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, but you don’t get to pick 0."

You can rule out mechanical. I have mats lying on the floor under my speakers, under my gear not touching anything. Gravity? The mats aren’t very heavy, man. 🌎

>>>>>Somebody missed one. No. 6. Sadly it’s the one that’s probably the right one. I’ve already mentioned it. See if you can find it. 🤗 I’m giving somebody an A for effort, though. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “I’ve looked everywhere and those are the only ones I found.” 😀 Coming up next, an angry rant telling us nobody understands.
Has the FTC ever investigated an audiophile product? I mean, really. How about Better Business Bureau? AES? Better Homes and Gardens? Would a simple sticker DO NOT EAT be sufficient to avoid legal consequences? Yes, I know. That’s a lot of questions. Has any audiophile device ever been found to be a hoax? That’s another question. Not even the Tice Clock? The Intelligent Chip? The Schumann frequency generator? Super expensive power cords or cables? The Teleportation Tweak? Has The James Randi Educational Foundation ever threatened to kick a tweak manufacturer’s a$$? The answer, gentle readers, to the last question is Yes!
Is that all ya got! Out of ammo? My promise still holds to let you win one sometime.
There is a reason for everything. Take the Schumann resonators, for example. Some people say they don’t work for them. Well, they need to be positioned up at a certain distance above the floor, for one thing. For another, they need to be isolated mechanically. I suspect they also need to be broken in for a few days but am not 100%. Not to mention there are various price points for the Schumann resonators. I trust some resonators work better than others. Most likely Acoustic Revive is at the top of the heap. I use two of the relatively inexpensive BLACK USB Schumann resonators from Hong Kong I got off eBay.
Mr. Originality. Also Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 His best quote, “I looked for it but I couldn’t find anything.” That’s gold, Jerry, gold! To think, people say I enjoy shooting fish in a barrel. Poppycock! Come on, atdavid, I know you can do it. Say something clever. 
So, you’re sticking with that one, huh? I can’t say I blame you. The rest of your routine is pretty blah. If I were you I’d march right down to whatever podunk school you went to and demand your money back. 
It’s a little strange nobody has mentioned mu metal. What’s up with that? It’s an absorber. It’s a shield. It’s two mints in one! 👯‍♂️
oregonpapa, most likely you used mu metal incorrectly. It’s a shield. It’s an absorber. There are two types of mu metal, at least, maybe you just used the wrong type, who the hell knows? Perhaps it was the wrong application or implementation. I can’t be there to inspect everyone’s handiwork all the time. That’s why there’s a Teleportation Tweak. So I don’t have to make house calls.  
A little quick on the draw there GK ...

>>>Please refrain from using my lines. Yes, I know it’s hard for you to think of new lines. That’s because you used up the ones you know too quickly.
At the risk of being argumentative it's a bit of a semantic argument. Mu metal shields by absorbing. Tank armor shields by absorbing. Capish?
I would compare them myself but for the fact I don’t have five years of my life to spare. Thanks for the suggestion, anyway. I actually have used one of the 3M sheets for sticking on top of microprocessors, you know, the ones that generate a lot of RF. The enemy within, as it were.
mu metal has high permeability so it saturates easily in the presence of a magnetic field, i.e., it ABSORBS. But at the same time, mu metal SHIELDS the surrounding electronics and wiring from the magnetic field, in the simple case of a transformer in an amplifier or BLU RAY player. It’s two! Two mints in one! 👯‍♂️
atdavid, a serious question for you. You’re just pretending to be dense, right?
You can’t kill kill. - Charles Manson

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
I don’t have to consult Wikipedia like you obviously do. I am obviously referring to audio applications of my metal. Duh! That would be low frequency 60 Hz high permeability Mu-metal and high frequency high permeability mu metal for speaker diaphragms. 

Knowledge is what’s left after you forgot all that expensive stuff you learned in school. 😀
These guys latch onto me like some kind of wolverine from the Skeptics Society or the subcommittee on controversial audiophile concepts of AES. What did I ever do to them? I’m just trying to raise global consciousness. Is that a crime?
Obviously atdavid is in need of a check up from the neck up. I’ve already opined what I think the mat is. I never said I thought the mat was mu metal. Poor reading comprehension on atdavid’s part. Or just a lie. It wouldn’t be his first lie. It was actually atdavid who went off on a wild goose chase with his mu metal baloney. I tend to think he’s probably just some high school graduate, at best, who learned how to cut and paste from Wikipedia.
No one is asking them to divulge the secret sauce on how they are made, but not providing any details about even what they do seems very odd to me. That is especially odd given that very long "burn-in" time. Even GK was skeptical about that claim, even though I am sure he will claim otherwise.

>>>>No, actually I wasn’t skeptical about the burn in time. That’s not what I said at all. This is just another case of your memory failing or just plain lying. It’s very bizarre that your memory is completely wrong so often or that you misconstrue what I said. Is it true that when you lie your pants really are on fire?
Gosh, I wonder, does anybody think the mats may be operating quantum mechanically? What is the significance of the use of e and Omega? Or is that a smokescreen? Talk amongst yourselves.
When you consider the posts of the only people asking critical questions "worthless", then it is likely not those people, but the thread that is the issue.

>>>>That’s priceless since you can’t even keep up with the conversation. That’s gold, Jerry, gold!

jafreeman OP
No one, including myself, has figured out how the mats do what they do, but let’s go over Tim’s clues again:

The mats have no crystals--they are solid state.

>>>>>I’m wondering what is meant by the term “solid state.” Anyone know? Does it simply mean there isn’t something embedded or combined in the mats? 
Want to hear a joke? What do you get when you cross a closed-minded know-it-all with an audiophile forum that has seen this sort of behavior before and tries to abandon him and treats him like trash? You get what you _____ deserve! 🤡
Oh, shut up, jitter, you little weasel. You don’t have anything to contribute.
Excellent Wikipedia cut & paste job by you know who. You’ve still got it! 🤗
Solid state could mean a lot of things, it depends on what was intended. I suspect it was intended to mean no moving parts, but who the hell knows? What is it? An alloy? A mixture? A plastic? A composite? Graphene infused? Quantum dots?  Is it alien technology? Which, by the way, was my specialty when I got out of school. But I’ve said too much.