New NAD M-25 or Used McIntosh MC-207?

Looking for smooth and detailed for music and still dynamic for movies. Have Hyperion HPS-938 and Arcam FMJ cd player and DVD. Arcam P1000 and AVP700. With Nordost cables. Clean but slightly flat and sharp sounding. Any thoughts?
Will be here around Wed. or Thurs. Have to move everything in my rack up. The thing is huge, may take a day or two to get it in and hooked up.

Wonder how long it will need to run in. The guy told me 72 hours but it always seems to take longer to really run this stuff in. Can't wait though!
Just a follow up on the Mac. Have had it many weeks now and it just keeps getting better and better. My Hyperions have never sounded so good. Just playing the cable game now. Can't decide between a few.

It sounds wide open and powerful. Even my wife notice the sound. That is saying something.
you'll be able to give the mac to your children or grand-children one day.....
I used to own NAD when I was in school and could not afford the mac.

now I have the MC-275 for my 2-channel and the MC-7205 for the home theater and figure if I ever have kids, it will go to them in the will.

the fact that even your wife noticed a difference (assuming she's not a fan of hi-fi) pretty much says it all.
She thinks I'm nuts but doesn't freak out on this hobby. Just bought the Mac C-2200 tube preamp. Should have it in my system tomorrow. Very excited to hear what it sounds like in my room with the rest of my gear. Someday hope to have a 275 in a two channel only room. Have heard it and love it. No room now so it will be down the road. Think I'm done for the near future, except for a cable or two.