New Focal.JMlab Electra speakers

The new Focal.JMlab Electra line looks awesome, I guess Focal is finally getting serious about going after B&W 800-series buyers. I believe they are schedule for a Fall intro. in the US. Does anyone have any addt'l info. on these speakers (1027 BE & 1037 BE)?
Where did you get that info? The new Electra line is called "Profile" and is already appearing in some stores.
They have a new tweeter and redesigned cabinet. The Electra 907 and 937 Be models were only made in limited numbers, of about 500 or so, but the Electra Be tweeter doesn't have the same x-over network of the Utopias.
Oh, and Focal has always produced better speakers than B&W, at least in my opinion. The B&W 800 series sound lifeless compared to the Electra line, but that's just my opinion.
I own Electra 936 speakers. Check out the Focal website for all current information.
You can see some scans of the Electra 1027Be and Electra 1007Be here:;action=display;num=1122936459;start=10#10

I have posted this before, it is in norwegian, but you you can check out the scans.

They are out already here in Norway, and they look a bit like Sonus Faber :o)
Is the new Profile good?

Could anyone who have auditioned it share their views?

many thanks!
The Profile actually replaces the Cobalts and not the Electras. The new Electra line definately has my interest.
Thanks for the info. My dealer's website words it as if the Profiles are replacing the Electras. Thank god that's not true, I think the Profiles are ugly.
Those Electras do look very promising, but I've yet to hear or see them...thanks for the lookout.