New Cambridge 540 vs. Used Music Hall CD25

Considering picking up one of the close-out Cambridge 540C players from audioadvisor (the older model, not the new v2) for $275. Or, I have found the Music Hall CD25 for about $300 used (again, not the new 25.2 or 25.5 or whatever they call it). Curious to hear any opinions on which route I should go. Spend the little bit extra for a used, but higher-end, model? Play it safe with new? One thing I have noticed - I see all sorts of talk about mod'ing the Music Hall, but none with the Cambridge. Maybe Music Hall offers more options down the line?
Hi, awhile back I had decided on a Music Hall CDP that is made by a Chinese Co named Shandling. Thru Agon I found out about the Onix-88 which is pretty much the same machine as the Music Hall. Very satisfied and saved a few bucks. I upgraded to OP Amp 627s. Well worth the $$. I installed them myself, very easy, although you have to be careful of the surrounding caps. And yes, the 627s required adaptors. Tweaks that are remaining are to replace the power cord and different ICs. Hope this helps. Dave
My apologies, I should have said big thanks to SFAR. Thats what I get for not reading the entire post.
I am waiting on my new Music Hall 25.2 cd. It is due to arrive this Monday, Oct 16. I will let you know what I think of it in about a week.

Also, A big thanks to chapnak for the link to Parts Connection. I for $15 dollars the op amp replacment is a no brainer.
So Kees, i know's its only been a few days, but how's the new Music Hall 25.2? I'm looking at getting one myself with the 627 opamp upgrade.
Hi Amp,

Had a delay which I did not receive my cd player until today, 11/2. I connected the player and put in Robbie Robertsons and played Fallen Angel. I thought something was wrong with my speakers as the bass was incredible. I had never heard the beginning to this song like this player brought out. I also listened to parts of Grover Washington Jr.'s: Winelight and Donald Fagen: The Nightfly. Every cd I could hear something new. This player is impressive.
I like the imaging and the soundstage. There is space between the instruments and they can be defined in space. I can tell where the drummer is in relationship to the vocalist, etc. On one of the quitier passages in Winelight, I could hear each individual drumstick hitting the drumskin. I am hearing so much new information, that I will have to listen to some of my favorites several times before I can really tell you what all of the differences are. My system hasn't sounded so good since I sold my Linn lp-12 turntable.

I had listened to the new Rega Apollo and a Quad and the $5000 Audio Research CD3. The Music Hall has better bass than the Rega with just as nice mid and hi frequencies. Nothing beats the Audio research, but I really don't have a need for a $5000 cd player.

Hope you find this helpful, James