New Acurus and Aragon amps. Anyone hear them yet?

I still have my A200 and A200x3 from back in the day? I use these and the ACT3 in the bedroom as a hideaway from the wifes movie night with friends and they never gave me a problem and were great then. Wondering how Indy Audio Labs did with the brand? Thanks
I love Von Schweikert speakers. I became good friends with the owner of the audio shop where I purchased my Acurus gear and an awesome pair of MB Quart QL 502s speakers back in the mid 90's but the Von Schweikert, cant remember the model, were the first hi-end speaker I ever heard in my life. He had a pair for his personal audio system that were stunning matched with Mcintosh amps tied into vinyl. I still remember it as it were yesterday. That man spent 2 hours educating me in his shop on why hi-end audio cost what it does. At the time I thought Bose, sorry for swearing, were the best out their. That two hours literally changed my life forever.... Thanks for the great flashback Sunnyhop. RG
Ive been curious about thr launch of their comming soon audio processor. Seems like a good audiophile niche product between the mega pricey and best buy stuff. Anyone hear anything about when or if it will actually launch
I remember emailing Indy Audio Labs about this question and I was told it'll be out when their god damn good and ready? No, just kidding. Their great to deal with but I don't think it'll be that far away. Check out ther website its great if your a fan. I'm sure it'll be an awesome piece of equipment. Mondial equipment to me is some of the best out their. It just doesn't have a rediculous price tag.