Neotech question NEI-2001

Quick question for any owners on these? Is the 11mm diameter with the tech flex or with out? If with, what is it without the tech flex.  Looking for different rca connectors for this.

Thanks, I have 20 ft on order with eti silver link rcas to make leads to my amps and a pair from my phono pe to my pre.

I know I am late to the party, however after doing some research I find out two things.  Besides this being a monster sized cable, it actually contains almost double the silver vs the NEMOI-1120.

So I am not going to give it as a tick, but I see some websites advertising it as UP-OCC silver, and according to Neotech it is not, probably why it contains twice the amount of silver.

The design does look competent, however I am really curious to know the capacitance, induc, and resis on the cable.  They did publish this for NEMOI line, but do not see any information for this cable.  That cable is looking very good.

Yes, I do realize this going to be a short run and all of that probably doesn't matter with such a short cable, however I was just curious to know where it stands. I could careless if it's OCC.

Now as mentioned with the connectors that's another tough one, I am trying to get the Xhadow rca connectors, but the large size only fits a maximum of 10.2 mm, not sure if I can get that sucker to fit or if I need to sand it down.

In addition to that, I mean the whole cable is silver, running copper at the end would be hurting the results, am I right? I know you cant get a pure silver rca connectors unless you really want to drop a lot of money.  

Just looking into this cable as I can get about 10 ft right now for 275 dollars, that's about 28 a foot which is almost half the price of sonic craft.  So I am not sure if I should pull the trigger or not with this RCA situation.

How much were the silverlinks Kro?

Wanted to double back, as I got a response from Neotech.  I find it odd the NEMOI-1220, 1120 above is a typo, which is their newest most advanced interconnect cable actually measures worse than this cable.

The measurements for the 2001 are as follows.
R .024 Ohm/m
C 72.51 pF/m
I .7 uH/m

R .054
C 38.19
I .86

I find this extremely odd, and furthermore with the 2001 simply just being pure silver with far more impurities.  The differences will be virtually inaudible, however the price is extremely audible with the 1220 coming in at about ~15 dollars more per foot