Need suggestions please! Electrical noise in my system and it's driving me crazy!

So I have been battling with an electrical noise in my home since I moved in over a year ago. I've had two electricians check it out and have done hours of trouble shooting myself. 

I'm getting a hum or a buzz from anything with a transformer and a buzz through my speakers. Standard driver speakers and my Maggies. The house was built ten years ago and has everything up to code. Underground electrical lines. 2 ground rods outside the house. Just added a ground to all the copper plumbing and gas lines. I have a 200 amp panel in the house and a 100 amp panel in the garage. 

I have a Furman IT Reference 15 power conditioner and it's not doing jack. It's actually humming too. As far as trouble shooting I've mixed and matched equipment, speaker, and cables to eliminate that factor, I've also turned every breaker off one by one to find if it's something in the house that's dirtying up the electrical but even when I only had the one breaker that powered me system on, the noise was still there. 

I'm going crazy because my relaxing time is sitting and listening to my music in a dead silent room with a dead silent background and I no longer have that anymore. I can hear the buz, hum, and even a high pitch noise and it's ruining my hobby. Both electricians I've had in the house have no clue and and think I'm nuts anyway. 

Has anyone had an issue like this before? Could you fix it? How did you fix it? Please help! I'm about ready to sell all my equipment because it's annoying to listen to. 

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My home seems to be prone to dirty AC, in the past causing variable and intermittent hum/buzz through my loudspeakers.  I have dedicated 20A lines to my listening room and have tried many line conditioners over 20 years. What proved a near revelation for me, about 3 years ago and still proudly standing, is the Torus AVR 20 balanced line conditioner. It required an electrician (in my case) installing a 240V Balanced AC line to my listening room, but all my upstream electrical issues seemingly vanished without more time consuming, expensive, and potentially nerve racking whole home diagnostics and solutions. My highest recommendation!
Sorry to read about your noise issues. Perhaps defining the noise will lead you to the issue faster.

Step1: Do you know someone with an oscilloscope? If so I would connect to the ground of your power conditioner or one of your devices and see how many volts and at what frequency (most likely 60 cycles).

Step 2: Measure the noise on the ground inside the 200 amp main panel. If the noise is present, unplug all appliances in the entire house and garage. Also unplug all stereo gear in the entire house and garage. Re-measure the noise. If gone connect one appliance or device at a time.

Step 3: Measure the noise on the ground inside the 100 amp garage panel. If it is there, you may want to disconnect the 100 amp feeds and ground from the main breaker. This will eliminate it entirely from the problem. I suspect they are connected to the bus bars of the 200 amp main breaker. The main 200 amp breaker must be off to do this. Deadly voltage is involved and you should hire an electrician.

I hope thess ideas prove helpful.
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