Need speaker suggestion for a larger room!

OK, out there - here's my situation:  I'm a Hi-Fi guy that goes back to 1952 - Brooke, Meisner, Mc C-1, etc.
Stayed with the good stuff - Mc., H H Scott, Marantz up until transistors took over in the mid-60's. 
One thing an another, I drifted from serious audio in the mid-80's and watched improving TV (!).

At an advanced age (84), wife and I are crawling back: Got a refreshed C-34 and MC7250 for signal
and a pair of decent M/L Ascents for transduction. LOVE the mid-range spacial effect!  Bass, mid and low,
is disappointing. 
For your consideration: Room is 26'L x 20'W x 8'H (4100+ cu. ft.) and "live"( some carpet and upholstered furniture), but much reflective wall area (glass) on either side; No help on opposite wall.
Unfortunately, aesthetics play a role: Speaker cabinet must be cream, black, or silver (!). 
I'm a fan of Tannoy sound, if this helps (used to own a pair of 12' Silvers WAY back), but their cabs are all
Walnut, or similar. Also, don't need to go to 18 Hz - We're in a condo - so an HONEST 30 cps is perfect.
Music pref: Classical, 20's and pre- 60's jazz, Piano ensembles + vibes,  Blue Grass, Tannoy demo CD's (!)

I'm hopeful some of you up-to date folks will help us uncover a few good speakers options. Our budget:
no more than $7,000.00.  Oh - and good used examples are just fine. Probably preferred, given our budget!

Thanks a lot for whatever you can share!

+1 for Ohm Walsh, especially considering the live room, the plethora of cabinet finishes they offer, and you can't go wrong with the 120-day trial period that they offer. Ohm speakers break all conventional speaker "rules," so if you have reflective/live surfaces with no room treatment, that will likely help an Ohm speaker's sound quality! Plus you'll likely be under budget, even for a brand new pair of their largest speakers.

As an over budget option, perhaps also take a look at RBH Sound's flagship options. For a large room, they list their modular SVTR tower pair for about $10k. (That's assuming you've got the amps for them, or for the same price go with the non-reference powered sub version.) The SVTR is a true full-range system (<=20Hz-40kHz!) But here's why else I suggested RBH: contact them directly or go through an authorized dealer and you may be able to work out a better-than-list deal, and they even have a 30-day trial period to boot (but you'll be out on the shipping charges!)

Just my $0.02 based on my limited but ever-expanding experience. Check out Ohm's and/or RBH's websites if anything I mentioned intrigues you. Good luck and I hope you thoroughly enjoy whatever you choose!

@broockies If you can't treat the room, all the glass on side wall will ruin the sound of any dynamic speaker. Dipoles will send most of the energy to front & back, not sides. With treatment behind the speakers whatever your preference of used Sound Labs, Sanders, Maggies or Quads would work far better. Since you already mentioned liking Martin Logans, that's what I'd suggest. Before going with recent Quads I'd read about the glue issues and repair expenses others have suffered through. Whichever you like, be sure the amp is a good match to drive it. Cheers,
I'm a woodworker and recently completed custom cabinets for Tannoy HPD 315's. Islandmandan's custom cabinets were my inspiration and template. Although many details are different, the sound quality exceeded my expectations in every way. As with Dan, they're the last speakers I will own.

I would welcome the opportunity to either share what I learned, show you the end result, and even build a pair to meet your needs if you're interested.

Holy mackerel!  I've no idea where to begin. 
Looks like I've opened Pandora's Box! 
I'll "do diligence" and seek out opinions on as many of these as I'm
able. Can't personally audition even a few of them.
No comments on my preamp/ amp combo? I'm acquainted with the 
properties of tubes (I have a 55+ year old pair of MC-75's in the cellar),
but I like the sound of Gordon Gow's last designs: he seems to have
respected tube(like) sound.