Need some help. Rega RS5s over PSB Imagine Ts?

I recently sold my current speakers and was planning on buying the PSB Imagine Ts. When I went to demo them a 2nd time to make sure, the sales rep recommended I give the Rega RS5s a try. When I did an A/B comparison I was surprisingly more impressed with the Regas. I know a lot of it is based on personal preference but I'm pretty new to this and just wanted to make sure I won't regret my purchase. I can purchase them for pretty much the same price. My question is: has anyone out there compared these two and what ate your impressions? You think overall the Imagine Ts are a better value? Any help is appreciated. I tend to over think/analyze/ stress about these things. Thanks.
Thank you all very much for your help and opinions. I'm going to order the RS5s today. I was really surprised they sounded as good as they did. Own a RP3 which I love but had no idea they did speakers this well.
I am listening to charles mingus now, with a MSB DAC and a Marantz pm8004... I love my RS5, which I bought in September 2011, even though I am not too crazy about Mingus ah hum brought home a few minutes ago.
What is your amplification?
I have a Rotel 1520 integrated amp. I mostly listen to records-a Rega RP3- and also have a Jolida JD9 phono preamp. Picking up the RS5s this week and really looking forward to it.
Do you have your rs5 setup? How do you like them? Any recordings you would advise getting?
Apologize for the long delay. I did set them up. They sound great-especially with anything with acoustic guitar. Been listening to a lot of the early Dylans on MoFi that came our pretty recently on 45. Also the Muddy Waters Folk Singer on 45 sounds phenomenal. Overall I like them a lot and would definitely recommend, especially for a 2 channel, straight audio set up. Hope this helps and sorry it took so long but just noticed it.