need more smoothness

I own B&W CDM 1NT's and have a love-hate "relationship"
with them. Excellent finich, great mid and detail but
violins sounds to sharp. Maybe I buy other speakers or hope they do well with smooth electronics such as the LINN
Classik system.
Are the B&W's with a linn classik a good match ?
Maybe I'm a little bit hi fi - neurotical.
I can't believe it. I just went to the Bowers and Wilkens website and that's what they recommend... stick felt on their speakers!
I think anything with a metal dome is sheer pain on the ears. They should keep the material for making cars instead
Some of the smoothest sounding speakers available use metal tweeters. All metal does not resonate at the same frequency. Metal can be treated to alter its resonate characteristics. etc etc.

You really need to list your entire system. Also a detailed description of your listening room and placement would help.

B&W's can sound wonderfully smooth with the right gear. Every link in the chain matters with B&W's. That said, there are smoother sounding speakers available, many of which aren't as demanding of the upstream components.

It isn't the same with all music, piano for example is
great, but their analytical caracter shows too much detail
at the high tones for me, that's why you hear almost everything, it's also a matter of personal taste.