Need help with room treatment acoustic treatment

I want to treat my dedicated 15'L x 11'W x 8'H listen room. It has solid bamboo floor and popcorn ceiling. I placed the speakers near the 11' wall. I have played with speakers and seating positioning a lot.

Please make any recommendation includes the products, application, any technical information, and etc regarding acoustic / room treatment.

My system consist of the following:

Sonus Faber Cremona floor standing speakers
Audio Research CD7 CD player
Audio Research Reference 110 amplifier
Audio Research Reference 3 preamplifier
Shunyata Research Hydra 4 Power conditioner
Shunyata Research Python Helix Alpha power cables
Kimber Kable KS-3033 speaker cables
Kimber Kable KS-1111 XLR interconnect
Mapleshade Brass footers
Maple platforms
I heard the ART system at Jason Serinus' house in a BAAS event. To me, it was an amazing demonstration. I have bought Tibetan bowls and small Ikea(thanks Big Red Machine)bowls to experiment with, since I can't afford the ART treatment. There is definitely an opening of the sound(field?).