Need help with Proceed PAV/PDSD

Hi all,
Just picked up the PAV/PDSD pair and upgraded he firmware to support 24/96 on the front left right channel.
Everything was sounding great till about two hours into listening to music the PDSD started to sound like an air raid sirenon the front left right channels. Has anyone else had this issue, I will experiment to see if the issue arises when the unit (PDSD) gets hotter.
Can't help with issues on the original thread, but I have a PAV that has died. Any recommendations on where to send it for service? Local shop says he can't get the service manual for it, Harmon says they have only two "authorized" shops they recommend....just wondering if there is a source out there doing good, honest and reasonably priced repairs on these units?
Definitely go with the service bench in MA or with the place down in Texas based of course on your location. Always go to the Authorized places... Harman was helpful enough in providing the information.
Check out - these are the guys in MA.
Good luck
I have a pav/dsd combo and can not seem to get th PAV to work by itself. Any Suggestions?
To make PAV work on its on you need to remove a module that may have been installed for PDSD and replace it with PAV module.
Service Bench in MA is the place to go and was recommended to me when I blew a channel (my fault) on my Proceed AMP3. They are very familiar with the Proceed units there.

With proceed stuff in general tolerances very tight. Over ventilate.