I own three pairs of these speakers - now all in factory-new condition. I also own a pair of CM1020's.
I have a factory original service-shop wiring diagram for the 1030's and would be happy to share. The only caveat is that I believe that these speakers went through at least one mid-life revision to their crossover - so the diagram may not match yours.
I would also highly recommend a shop called Speakermart here in Ottawa. They did the full refurbs for me. They also have mapped-out wiring diagrams (proper ones) that they use to repair any of the CM line of speakers. (There was also the CM1010 - which had the novel woofer brass screwed-in "plug" that would change the woofer's characteristics. They have spare plugs!)
I also own crossovers taken from two 1030's that I bought for parts - as well as four mids and two woofers that I believe are in great working condition. I'd sell one woofer and two mids (keeping the others for myself - just in case) to anyone who might need them. Other than stripping another speaker, you won't find replacements to match anywhere - trust me! Since I don't know if the crossovers are good or not, I'd be happy to give one away to anyone - for the shipping cost only. As to the crossover adjustment switches... I have found an exact match from the original manufacturer and a local supplier. I'd be happy to provide that info as well.
These are incredible speakers that can, and deserve to be, used for a lifetime of incredible listening enjoyment.
ps. I have copies of both the Sterio Review and Audio equipment test reports that I can share.
So how to get hold of me since I'd not a member? I always use my full and real name. Google my name. That should refer you to both my work web site - from where you can get my full contact info - and links to posts on other forums where I am a member and from where you can contact me.
All the best.
Jeff Mackwood