Need Help Starting from Scratch

Hi Everyone,
I've been reading as much as I can and thought I could use more input from people in which direction to head and less of this is better than that. I have no components at the moment other than my PC which outputs digital. I think I might need a DAC.

I have a small living room in my apartment which will be my primary listening area. It's about 12x12. I'm looking for a 2 channel setup. This will be just for music. My budget is 1000 to tops of 2000(if it really gets me that much more. Used/old is great). I don't know what route to go(integrated amp--> speakers vs pre-amp to amp to speakers). I'm by no means an audiophile but I really enjoy music and my current logitech 5.1 speakers aren't cutting it. I listen to mostly rock of sorts and do love finding a good female vocal.

I guess where i'm lost also is what components I really need. I.e. computer outputs digital so I hook that up to a DAC to pre-amp to amp to speakers? I also don't understand how I can make sure every component will work together. Would a receiver make it that much easier? I'm concerned about the sound of a receiver for music. Thoughts/comments are much appreciated. Thanks
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It sounds like your objections aren't based on hearing them, but on numbers. Driver size, weight, and the response curve. None of which tell how it sounds in real life. If you read the review above the response curve...he talks about how good they sound with stereo recordings. I'm more concerned with that, than numbers and statistics.

I mean Gallo A'divas are small and light weight, yet produce tremendous detail, and beautiful music. Anyways, to each his own. :-)
Again, Thanks for everyone's input. I am set on the Decco2 integrated dac/amp. The Decco2 has the same dac as the nova(which everyone seems to rave about) and I really like the idea of having a tube amp. I believe the 40 watts is enough as it is a very small area and I don't need to blast my music. I really like everything the Decco2 has to offer as far as inputs and it's all integrated. If anyone has another all integrated solution (or separates for same price) please let me know.

For my speaker choice my father has a pair of Tyler Acoustic monitors I believe they are. He bought them 5 years ago and I believe they are monitors(leaning towards this as they would be pretty large bookshelf) or bookshelf speakers. I'm hoping it'll be a good combo. If not I can always give them back and try out some other speakers. According to Taylor's website most of his speakers require very little power so hopefully it'll work out. Worst case scenario I go out and buy an amp but at least i'll have more options.
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@Stephenhdmrs: good choice man. You can not go wrong with that amp. I am getting the Nova myself. Enjoy man.

@Bob_reynolds: That is highly logical, and absolutely makes sense man. :-)