Need help selecting a streamer for a beginner.

So I have been collecting music since 1959.  I love my vinyl and cd’s.  But technology moves forward and I don’t want to be left behind.  So I’m in the market for a music streamer.  I just want something that can access music through my wi-fi network, and plug into my existing preamp.  I would like to take advantage of the increased sampling rates like with Tidal.  There seems to be a wide spread in price points but since I’m just beginning I don’t want to spend a lot (under $1000).  Let me know your suggestions and thanks.

My system:
Thorens turntable
Ayer CD player
Krell KCT preamp
Krell FPB400cx
Revel Performa F32 speakers.
OP, you are making a good choice with the Node. Like your turntable and CD player, it is simple to use, unlike the vast tech setup options that come with streaming from a laptop. Find a way to hardline the Node to your modem. Then get a MHDT Orchid DAC. Then, upgrade the tube with an adapter and put it a good NOS 7308 tube.
I purchased a Sonos streamer to get my feet wet. I’m surprised how flexible it is. With the digital out I can use my D to A, although that doesn’t make much of a difference. You must look at my opinion as I’m an old fart and a recovering audiophile!