Need help on an all rounder speaker under $5000

Hello dear audiogoners

I am newbie here and also to the world of high end audio.
I dont know whether 5000 is high end in the audio world but whatever.

I am not an audiophile and i am not looking for details and clarity in music. I want a system that is versatile, that can play everything form brilliant CD recordings to Compressed MP3 formats. All genres from rock to classical to electronic.

My collection is a mix of MP3, High quality audio, some CDs and also live recordings.
So i really needed something warm and colorful that can shine with everything. Something that is just a happy speaker!!
Most of all something that is enjoyable.
I request you all to give me some suggestions. I live in India so brand availability is a question but i get most of the brands here and can audition many of them of just shoot. Also if you can mention associated equipment.
I myself think the Legacy Audio Studio HD is a great value. I've been to the factory in Springfield Illinois and met with the owner. He ships overseas all the time. They are $1400 a pair. It's a very sensitive speaker running at 4 ohms and 93 dB. You can put any decent amp on it be it a solid state to a tube amp. You can also bi-wire it no problem. This is my second pair that I bought last yr. My first pair I bought in 1995. Look them up on the web:
In my opinion, these speakers are keepers. They will last you decades because the quality is very high. Good luck.
Many options at this price point. B & W and Focal offer many different price points. I especially like the Berylium line by Focal. If you like pro studio quality, the ATC 25s.
Thanks for the response.
I have heard the B&W, i like them.

I just dont know if they will be okay playing an MP3 compressed file. Or they might actually make it sound really bad.
I am looking for a system that supports all kinds of low bit rate files as well.
So i guess Pro Audio is out because that will really make it it sound flat and ugly.