Need help in picking a good preamp/processor


I am looking to replace my no remote acurus RL10 preamp with something that is more recent. I am torn between sticking to just 2ch with remote or a HT proc with good 2ch performance. My requirements are real good 2ch performnace. So if I am going with a good HT, I need very good 2ch performance and good D/A for playing my CDs (I have a panasonic CD/DVD player) I also need the usual DD DTS. But 5.1 performance is just fine.

My amp is Acurus A150 and speakers are Hales Revelation III.

Please help


Thanks for sharing your findings. I do not need any video switching as I send all video digitally to my DLP TV (DVI/HDMI). When HDMI or DVI switching becomes a standard and we have digital HD recorders/players I am sure will be very tempted to switch to more current models. But I think it is a while to go and I can use something more along the line of PAV/PDSD until then.

No no no..Krell HTS 5.1 of old. Connected digitally, as good as can be had for digital PCM and dts/dd.

I am not sure I understand what you have said. Are you saying HTS 5.1 is as good as anything out there?, or do you mean it is not good because it is too old?


Your response might be useful if we knew what elicited the triple no, otherwise in a series of posts we have no idea of your intent.

I'm saying, for your likely sources/needs, the krell HTS is as good sonically as you'll find IME.