Need DCX2496 Presets for Emerald Physics CS2

I bought a pair of Emerald Physics CS2 speakers with the DCX2496 DSP on the used market not too long ago. This is my first step into finally investing in better hi-fi gear. I finally got the DCX to work after some tinkering and have been really enjoying CS2s for a number of months now.

This past weekend we had a power outage in our neighborhood and the DCX was powered on at the time. I sat down to listen the next day and discovered that two output channels for the low range stopped working. I’m not sure if the power outage is the cause, but it’s a suspect. I have learned after some searching online that these DCX2496 units don’t rank high for reliability.

Anyway, in the process of trying to troubleshoot what is wrong I decided to factory reset the DCX.  For some reason I thought the Emerald Physics presets for the CS2 would not be affected by this.  Alas — I was wrong! Shoot. Now I have a DCX with a couple bad outputs AND missing presets. 
I’m fairly comfortable with troubleshooting and repairing electronics, but I have no idea how to recover the presets which were custom designed for the CS2s.  Is there any resource out there where I can find these presets in order to manually reload them into my DCX2496?  (Any CS2 owners out there who would be willing to write down the settings for the presets?). Did I just unintentionally render my speakers useless?

I would appreciate any help.
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