NBS or Transparent interconnects balance

I am currently funning B&W Nautilis 802, Krell FPB 300, Audio Research LS16 with Rotel 991 CD and Harm Pro 9 Shotgun. Trying to decide b/t NBS Monitor 4 or Transparent Ultra Xl or other superior alternatives. Please help.
I've compared The Transparent Reference XL to NBS Master, Professional, and Statement. All three are better than the Transparent. Midrange, bass and detail retrieval are astonishing
Lefty Have you heard the NBs Monitor 4 Interconnect. I am very interested in comments from anyone who has heard these.
No I haven't but I can tell you that even the lower priced NBS are stunning. I have compared the Mind Serpent (list $350) to the Harmonic Tech top silver and copper and the NBS was considerably better...wider stage & better imaging. The new Monitor series is essentially the same as the old. Walter Fields says the Monitor is more geared to professional studio use.