nakamichi pa5 or 7

Can anybody help with the dimensions of these amplifiers?
I am strongly advised to buy one of the mk2-versions if I can find one, but size matters a bit.
What kind of problems should I expect with a 20 years old amp - I am a little worried about the heat.
Ole Felsby, Denmark
Post removed 
I think I burned the fuse on my PA5; anybody know the specs for a replacement fuse.
If the amp works when you get it perfectly, it will continue to work. Buy a pristine example and it will last you a lifetime as long as it has room to breathe. There are a few people online if you search forums online that will be of assistance if your amp has trouble, but based on the amps design, nothing will go wrong provided you have a 20A outlet and sufficient ventilation and you arent driving anything like electrostats. It will even drive maggies, however I wouldnt try to power any large monsters with the amp.
Power rating is slightly more. I belive it weighs a few more pounds as well. Looks are the same. Obviously, decals in the back will also let you know the difference. The amp runs cooler as well