Nak PA 5MMKII Bellles 150A HR Rotel RB 1070? Which one

I am looking at three different amps in my area and price range. Say $250 to $450  Belles 150A Hot Rod, Nak PA5 MKII, Rotel RB 1070. I have a Rotel RC 1070 preamp so that is why the Rotel is in the mix. Cables are  all Analysis Plus and speakers are either Vandersteen 2C or  Infinity RS 2.5s.  I owned Rotel gear 2001 -2006  (before I moved on to a perfect but soul less digital Bel Canto) and always thought despite its flaws the Rotel  gear was pretty musical.  I have heard it said in  more then one spot the RB 1070 is a bit more clinical then the older stuff but who knows what cables were being used  Have never heard a belles and have not heard a Nak since I worked in the biz way back then.  Any synergy issues here with the Rotel preamp.? which by the way i think is better then the early 995 and 990 which were also good but more veiled.

The question also is this stuff going to outdo my Music Hall A 50.2 integrated? No slouch in itself.
I'm assuming you have made your decision by now. If you haven’t get the Belles. They fly under the radar and are serious contenders and an absolute bargain at the used prices now.
Probably a little late to the discussion but the 1070 and 1080 may not be on the same level as a Pass Labs but "no ball" is NOT a problem either suffer from.  Cables make a big difference with these amps.  That sterile and clinical sound I've read about regarding 1070 changes to a warmer yet highly detailed sound that is a bit forward but in no way is it lacking power in any way - I have 87db 4ohm floor standers and I rarely listen above 9 or 10 o'clock on the gain.