Naim "based" preamps - yay or nay?

I'm a big fan of Naim products, have listened to them a lot as my parents have some of their integrated amps. But I don't have that kind of budget for them. I've noticed, however, on ebay there's a lot of preamps "based" Naim boards (E.g.  Hifi 152 base on NAIM NAC152XSC5 base on Naim 152; etc; etc). While I'm assuming the quality wouldn't be as good as an actual Naim preamp, can anyone speak to the quality of these kinds of Naim based preamps in general? 
gravyrobber, if you do get one of those pres let us know how it sounds...curious
@loomisjohnson looks like I'm picking up a Rotel RC-995 from a guy on Reddit today, so probably going to pass on a Naim clone lol.