NAD M50.2

To anyone who has heard the NAD M50.2, how does it compare in sound to other music servers, such as those more expensive from Aurender, etc?
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I use the M50.2 with my Dac2X. I prefer it with the AES connection over optical. Haven’t tried the HDMI connection. 
hello, I have the Nad M50.2 too. has anyone tried to transfer music from computer to the M50.2? if you listen to it again you hear small pops in the music. someone who also suffers from it?

sorry for my English ... I am Dutch :)
I will try it tonight and see if I get the same problem. If I don’t then the problem is likely with something in your computer setup.  Did you record to .WAV, FLAC?  How are you playing it back on your computer, Roon?  Etc. etc. 
Hi, it’s a .flac file. I put it in the music file of the M50.2. The next thing i do is to index The file and play. Sometimes you hear hick ups.