NAD C165 vs Parasound 2100 vs Emotiva USP-1

I was looking at a pre-amp and wondering if I could get some opinions on the following.

- Emotiva USP-1
- Parasound 2100 new Classic
- Pasasound Halo P3
- NAD C165 BEE
"do you include the C 165 BEE in the "most recent classic models".

Yes I do, the c165bee is the current classic pre-amp. It has (from what I have read) a good headphone amp and phono stage. I did not use those features, but in it's other duties is was quite good.

That is important info. If the NAD is neutral it has a lot of features I would like.

It looks like it is down to the parasound P3 and the NAD C 165. For me. I was also looking at a adcom 750 but it lacks an important feature or two. So unless I hear that the adcom way outclasses the nad and parasound I will probably go with one of the latters.

The major problem with the EMOTIVA stuff, from an audiophile point of view, is that it does not cost enough!