NAD C165 vs Parasound 2100 vs Emotiva USP-1

I was looking at a pre-amp and wondering if I could get some opinions on the following.

- Emotiva USP-1
- Parasound 2100 new Classic
- Pasasound Halo P3
- NAD C165 BEE
They are all different so comes down to your needs really. I've owned all of them except the NAD but I have an NAD integrated I use for a bedroom system. The Emo with what I had was bright but I do recall that both it and the Para 2100 have HT pass through as well the ability to easily add a sub a 2 channel system.

The 2100 does have a phono section and the Emo does as well but neither are mind blowing but the 2100 IMO was a better phono section. The P3 also has a phono section which is better than the 2100.

Personally I think it will also come down to the other parts of your system. IMO the P3 would have the best SQ, with the NAD probably sounding nice as well, normally warmer in SQ, the emo I feel is a bit bright and the parasound 2100 is a nice all around unit that is not too hard on the wallet.

So the list for me
1. P3
2. 2100
3. NAD
4. Emo
Thanks. I have Quad 22L speakers (british somewhat laid back) and outlaw amps. I am a bit worried that the NAD will be too boomy with the Quad speakers.

The reputation of NAD is on the warmer side but I have also hear that some models are more neutral.

any thoughts on that BigHead63

anyone have direct experience with the NAD C165 BEE?
The most recent NAD classic models have a more neutral presentation than their predecessors. The c165bee is a nice pre-amp and should hold it's own or eclipse the Halo. Emotiva is more focused on blue lights and aesthetics in my opinion.