My Only Question Is.........

Would someone please tell me the name of the preamplifier(s) on this planet that when inserted into the signal path between any recent Wadia cd player and any amplifier, IMPROVES upon the sound of the forementioned Wadia when compared to running it direct using its digital volume control near its peak. Remeber contestants that the better the preamp the less it imparts to the signal. Keep in mind also that answering this question intelligently would require that you have actually tried this.
Theoretically a good preamp can improve the sound over your straight wire scenario in only one situation I can think of. If the Wadia's output impedence is much higher then the input impedence of the amp you might suck the current out of the Wadia's output stages. A low impedence output preamp would then act as a high current buffer for your Wadia thus improving the sound. Probably not likely with most top quality amps these days.
I don't see how the Wadia's output impedance would be higher than the input impedance of ANY power amp. The output impedance of my CD player is 50 ohms RCA, and 100 ohms XLR. What amplifier has an input impedance less than 50 ohms?
Hi Petland, you already had your fun from the responses above. Now, this is serious - from what you describe, i think you want a passive volume control instead of a preamp. Why not check out PASSION products specs on( I've heard them on demo, I think they are very good; but your poweramp must have a gain more than 30dB. Regards.