My Next Miles Davis Disc?

Hi all,

Help me out here -

I am a fan of general ambient type music. I have 4 Miles Davis recordings now and would like to add to that. I absolutely love 'Kind Of Blue' and 'In A Silent Way', yet am not so hot on 'Sketches of Spain' and 'Birth of the Cool'. So then, in that light, which Miles recording should be next in my collection? In other words, what is the next closest in style to Kind of Blue and In A Silent Way ?


If you are looking for an ambient take on Miles then I would recommend the Bill Laswell remix of Miles tunes called Panthalassa however as you would expect it veers into dub at times.
In A Silent Way was as close as Miles got to total ambient music however the double CD of Get Up With It has the epic He Loved Him Madly at 32 minutes plus which is in this vein.
Miles post IASW period got both rockier then funkier and things like On The Corner sound very like a lot of Electronica today-not strictly ambient but a more upbeat relation.
Ascenseur pour L'echafaud which Albert mentioned is indeed still available on CD and is a very great Miles record, a bit bluesier than KOB but similarly melodic.
"Miles In the Sky", "Miles Smiles". Check out "On the Corner" if you really want to freak out!
Seems that this is going where Bomarc said it would. The list is growing! Thanks for the responses and keep 'em coming. But I must ask - ALL these are in the same vein as Kind of Blue and In A Silent Way ??? I'd be shocked if that were the case.

Havent heard from one person in particular that I would be interested in hearing his comments.