My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!

So I have been in a long journey looking to find the best amplifiers for my martin logan montis. As you know, the match between an amplifier and speakers has to be a good "marriage" and needs to be blend exquisitely. Right now, I think I might have found the best sounding amplifier for martin logan. I have gone through approximately 34-36 amplifiers in the past 12 months. Some of these are:

Bryston ST, SST, SST2 series

With all that said, the amplifiers I mentioned above are the ones that in my opinion are worth mentioning. To make a long story short, there is NO 5 CHANNEL POWER AMP that sounds as good as a 3ch and 2ch amplifier combination. i have done both experiments and the truth is that YOU DO lose details and more channel separation,etc when you select a 5 channel power amplifier of any manufacturer.
My recollection of what each amp sounded like is as follows:

ATI SIGNATURE SERIES 6005 (great power and amazing soundstage. Very low noise floor, BUT this amplifiers NEEDS TO BE cranked up in order to fully enjoy it. If you like listening at low volume levels or somewhat moderate, you are wasting your time here. This amp won’t sound any different than many other brands out there at this volume. The bass is great, good highs although they are a bit bright for my taste)

NAD M25 (very smooth, powerful, but somewhat thin sounding as far as bass goes)
Bryston sst2(detailed, good soundstage, good power, but can be a little forward with certain speakers which could make them ear fatiguing at loud volumes)

Krell (fast sounding, nice bass attack, nice highs, but some detail does get lost with certain speakers)

rotel (good amp for the money, but too bright in my opinion)

cary audio (good sound overall, very musical, but it didn’t have enough oomph)

parasound halo (good detail, great bass, but it still holds back some background detail that i can hear in others)

lexicon (very laid back and smooth. huge power, but if you like more detail or crisper highs, this amp will disappoint you)

McIntosh mc205 (probably the worst multichannel amp given its price point. it was too thin sounding, had detail but lacked bass.

butler audio (good amplifier. very warm and smooth sweet sounding. i think for the money, this is a better amp than the parasound a51)

pass labs (very VERY musical with excellent bass control. You can listen to this for hours and hours without getting ear fatigue. however, it DOES NOT do well in home theater applications if all you have is a 2 channel set up for movies. The midrange gets somewhat "muddy" or very weak sounding that you find yourself trying to turn it up.

classe audio (best amplifier for multi channel applications. i simply COULDNT FIND a better multi channel amplifier PERIOD. IT has amazing smoothness, amazing power and good bass control although i would say krell has much better bass control)

Update: The reviews above were done in January 2015. Below is my newest update as of October 2016:

PS AUDIO BHK 300 MONOBLOCKS: Amazing amps. Tons of detail and really amazing midrange. the bass is amazing too, but the one thing i will say is that those of you with speakers efficiency of 87db and below you will not have all the "loudness" that you may want from time to time. These amps go into protection mode when using a speaker such as the Salon, but only at very loud levels. Maybe 97db and above. If you don’t listen to extreme crazy levels, these amps will please you in every way.

Plinius Odeon 7 channel amp: This is THE BEST multichannel amp i have ever owned. Far , but FAR SUPERIOR to any other multichannel amp i have owned. In my opinion it destroyed all of the multichannel amps i mentioned above and below. The Odeon is an amp that is in a different tier group and it is in a league of its own. Amazing bass, treble and it made my center channel sound more articulate than ever before. The voices where never scrambled with the action scenes. It just separated everything very nicely.

Theta Dreadnaught D: Good detailed amp. Looks very elegant, has a pleasant sound, but i found it a tad too bright for my taste. I thought it was also somewhat "thin" sounding lacking body to the music. could be that it is because it is class d?

Krell Duo 300: Good amp. Nice and detailed with enough power to handle most speakers out there. I found that it does have a very nice "3d" sound through my electrostatics. Nothing to fault here on this amp.
Mark Levinson 532H: Great 2 channel amp. Lots of detail, amazing midrange which is what Mark Levinson is known for. It sounds very holographic and will please those of you looking for more detail and a better midrange. As far as bass, it is there, but it is not going to give you the slam of a pass labs 350.5 or JC1s for example. It is great for those that appreciate classical music, instrumental, etc, but not those of you who love tons of deep bass.

 It is articulate sounding too
Krell 7200: Plenty of detail and enough power for most people. i found that my rear speakers contained more information after installed this amp. One thing that i hated is that you must use xlr cables with this amp or else you lose most of its sound performance when using RCA’s.

Krell 402e: Great amp. Very powerful and will handle any speaker you wish. Power is incredible and with great detail. That said, i didn’t get all the bass that most reviewers mentioned. I thought it was "ok" in regards to bass. It was there, but it didn’t slam me to my listening chair.

Bryston 4B3: Good amp with a complete sound. I think this amp is more laid back than the SST2 version. I think those of you who found the SST2 version of this amp a little too forward with your speakers will definitely benefit from this amp’s warmth. Bryston has gone towards the "warm" side in my opinion with their new SST3 series. As always, they are built like tanks. I wouldn’t call this amp tube-like, but rather closer to what the classe audio delta 2 series sound like which is on the warm side of things.

Parasound JC1s: Good powerful amps. Amazing low end punch (far superior bass than the 402e). This amp is the amp that i consider complete from top to bottom in regards to sound. Nothing is lacking other than perhaps a nicer chassis. Parasound needs to rework their external appearance when they introduce new amps. This amp would sell much more if it had a revised external appearance because the sound is a great bang for the money. It made my 800 Nautilus scream and slam. Again, amazing low end punch.

Simaudio W7: Good detailed amp. This amp reminds me a lot of the Mark Levinson 532h. Great detail and very articulate. I think this amp will go well with bookshelves that are ported in order to compensate for what it lacks when it comes to the bass. That doesn’t mean it has no bass, but when it is no Parasound JC1 either.
Pass labs 350.5: Wow, where do i begin? maybe my first time around with the xa30.8 wasn’t as special as it was with this monster 350.5. It is just SPECTACULAR sounding with my electrostatics. The bass was THE BEST BASS i have ever heard from ANY amp period. The only amp that comes close would be the jC1s. It made me check my settings to make sure the bass was not boosted and kept making my jaw drop each time i heard it. It totally destroyed the krell 402e in every regard. The krell sounded too "flat" when compared to this amp. This amp had amazing mirange with great detail up top. In my opinion, this amp is the best bang for the money. i loved this amp so much that i ended up buying the amp that follows below.

Pass labs 250.8: What can i say here. This is THE BEST STEREO AMP i have ever heard. This amp destroys all the amps i have listed above today to include the pass labs 350.5. It is a refined 350.5 amp. It has more 3d sound which is something the 350.5 lacked. It has a level of detail that i really have never experienced before and the bass was amazing as well. I really thought it was the most complete power amplifier i have ever heard HANDS DOWN. To me, this is a benchmark of an amplifier. This is the amp that others should be judged by. NOTHING is lacking and right now it is the #1 amplifier that i have ever owned.

My current amps are Mcintosh MC601s: i decided to give these 601s a try and they don’t disappoint. They have great detail, HUGE soundstage, MASSIVE power and great midrange/highs. The bass is great, but it is no pass labs 250.8 or 350.5. As far as looks, these are the best looking amps i have ever owned. No contest there. i gotta be honest with you all, i never bought mcintosh monos before because i wasn’t really "wowed" by the mc452, but it could have been also because at that time i was using a processor as a preamp which i no longer do. Today, i own the Mcintosh C1100 2 chassis tube preamp which sounds unbelievable. All the amps i just described above have been amps that i auditioned with the C1100 as a preamp. The MC601s sound great without a doubt, but i will say that if you are looking for THE BEST sound for the money, these would not be it. However, Mcintosh remains UNMATCHED when it comes to looks and also resale value. Every other amp above depreciates much faster than Mcintosh.

That said, my future purchase (when i can find a steal of a deal) will be the Pass labs 350.8. I am tempted to make a preliminary statement which is that i feel this amp could be THE BEST stereo amp under 30k dollars. Again, i will be able to say more and confirm once i own it. I hope this update can help you all in your buying decisions!


Showing 50 responses by jays_audio_lab

2 sets of monos, 1 preamp, one other preamp being built, and by Thanksgiving I’ll have the music server since this one got damaged.
No plans of getting other speakers unless i magically run into one pair of speakers that are on my wish list.
Plans to own Soulution 7 series has been abandoned (long story) so i sacrificed my 725 to get the next linestage which I’ve wanted to try.

No idea when I'll release any of it. I want to focus on a few other things. 
The mystery amps/preamp will be used on future shootouts. 
I thought you and Viber already had agreed what they were?.

Thank you guys. I love to see you all collaborate and give me your feedback. I do this because i love it and being able to share this with you all makes this more enjoyable.
I have more tricks up my sleeve and more components coming.
Notice how i am now living with most of my gear for months before i move on. I give equipment a fair shot and this is something I didn’t do before. Lesson learned and this is part of my own evolution and being able to understand audio more and more each day.
I look back at myself and my own previous trials and realize the stupid mistakes i made way back when.
This is a process that has made me mature far more than i ever imagined.
The shootouts are icing on the cake and to be honest, although they aren’t a 100% representation of what happens in my room, they allow me to do one important thing: To allow you all into my room even though you all are far away. Doing this alone can be boring. Thank you for the support and the allowing me into your homes as well.

PS: the tattoo, bald head and 20 inch arms are for looks ( like some amplifiers out there lol) 

Thanks greyhound. It's been a huge learning experience for me and i hope people have also learned a thing or two from my own trials. 

I’m going to attempt to clear things up for everyone with regards to my Soulution and ARC preamps.
First off, comparing a tube preamp to a solid state preamp is like comparing apples to oranges. They are very different and have differences sonically due to their design.
Secondly, I’m at a very high level with my system and it becomes more of system matching rather than just inserting a component. The vac monos sound amazing with the REF6SE and i was very impressed by this combo, but i also think it is the synergy between both.
Thirdly, the Soulution 725 could possibly be the best solid state preamp I’ve had in here. That said, the boulder 2110 is amazing too but i haven’t owned both at once which would allow me to pick one of the two.
Finally, let’s wait and see what my new preamp will bring to the table.
I think a lot of you will be highly impressed by it and i am expecting the same.

PS: i sold the Soulution 725 but it will be here until the end of this month It will not be part of any rotations although I did record 3 songs today so i will release those videos over the next few days.

"I’m not predicting he’ll say ARC better all around than Soulution especially when he selling that now"

The Soulution was sold before any of this went down and i didn’t even list it and the buyer doesn’t follow this thread. He has a system that is probably more than mine and has owned the 725 in the past. He doesn’t get caught up with this. 
The 725 doesn't really need acceptance by potential buyers. It has a great track record so it sells itself. Its resume is pretty full and if anyone is looking to buy a 725, i am sure they know what they are buying. Some pieces just don't need propaganda at all. 

I’m working on noise suppression going forward. I believe i might be done with power conditioners (again, this is not 100%). I have slowly picked up the flavor inserted by some of these power conditioners.
This is a great topic for a future video so I’ll leave it at that.
Before anyone assumes anything, no I’m am saying sell your power conditioners. They have a place in most systems out there and most of you  would totally benefit from it. 
The biggest enemy is NOISE (floor noise). The issue is too much filtering also murders a lot of the "meat and potatoes" of the presentation. It's like doing chemotherapy: you kill the cancerous cells as well as good ones. 
Keep in mind guys, my powercords tend to cost as much as a power conditioner...
To me, most surprising power conditioner was the audioquest Nagra 5000
"Would not take any Wilson under $200K for what i heard then"

I guess it's a good thing my XLF are not under $200k so i suppose mine passed your superior standards huh?
In case some of you haven't noticed, Nordost hasn't come out with a power conditioner for a reason. They have identified changes to the sonic qualities of their cables when using these devices. 

What did the p20 do to my system?.
It killed the wow effect and murdered the excitement. It homogenized things and if j recall correctly, it killed the bass too. I thought the Shunyata Denali V2 was superior. 
stay tuned - i will be releasing the final video of my bottom tier amplifiers today. 
Right now, i prefer ZERO power conditioner. I'm actually connecting my preamp on a Nordost qb8 power strip because i want to get a baseline of the presentation without adding any "seasoning" in the form of power conditioners.
Nordost has great detail but if you use a nordost odin 1 PC to power the power strip then you’ll get tons of detail and the bass leans out. I just detected this today. You gain massive detail but the bass leans out. The Denali gives you great bass but the resolution doesn’t quite catch the nordost qb8 with Odin powercord.
It’s all about trade offs.
The Everest has tremendous bass. This undisclosed preamp and amp tell the whole truth quite EASILY. 
I keep going back to no power conditioner. I'm literally using an Amazon 40 dollar power strip and connecting the preamp in there, the DAC into the wall with shunyata omega QR-s powercords and the amps into the wall with transparent Opus powercords. I will say i lose some of the extra resolution by doing this but my midrange and bass get FAR better. The musicality returns too. CRAZY HOBBY!
I think the powercord used on the qb8 is the most important thing.
I have just ordered the Nordost grounding system to see what happens. 
if people have followed me closely, they would know that i dont use power conditioners for amplifiers. That is a big NO NO. 
Hey Paul 
I've been saying it for some time now that i don't feel footers add music to the music. They inject this extra information that makes the presentation almost synthetic. 
People are finally starting to see and hear  for themselves. This is great because it solidifies what i have already stated in the past. 
I ordered the Qkore 6. I was told by nordost that you must ground components by utilizing an input on the component and to not use the typical grounding point that some electronics have.  This is why they sell you grounding cables terminated in whatever you need (XLR, USB, RCA, etc). 
Today, i inserted yet another transparent opus powercord but i am using it on the preamp now and once again transparent adds more musicality and far more bass. 
Damn it, i wish I would have used transparent cables with the mágico M6 now.
I think i might be done with silver cables of any brand
You're right... 5 years doing this here day in day out. I can't believe it... 
I added my 4th Transparent Opus powercord today: 2 are on the amps, two on the preamp and i have been sitting on my chair for the last 4 hours. I have officially removed all my Audioquest Dragon powercords from my system. Why? the mix and matching of Dragon High Current and Transparent XLR & Opus speaker cables simply dont work well together.
Things can get edgy and a little fatiguing.
I really like these Transparent opus PCs, but i think that it is also the synergy that is taking over. It does not matter what song is playing; oldies, 90s, 80s, etc - the system is quite impressive and clear like water. I even found myself listening to some JAZZ! (WDF!!).
I am completely impressed with the dynamics in some of the JAZZ songs i was listening to. I think it will be HARD for me get rid of the full loom of Transparent Opus because i have heard many different brands and although they were amazing in their own right, this transparent system keeps me glued. The only thing that sucks is that MSRP...ugh..
Oh and before i forget, i am STILL STREAMING FROM MY OLD LAPTOP LOL!! (hopefully i will have the music server soon).
I feel as if i am reaching new heights sonically speaking. Undoing what i have built over the last few months WILL BE HARD to beat even for me.
Of course, nothing is perfect, but when i listen at the entire presentation, i hear something quite special. NO NEED to blast the system either in order to get full satisfaction here folks. All the musicality, resolution, clarity, imaging, detail and vocals that hang in the air dead center between the speakers. This has all been accomplished by a 100% solid state preamp/amp combination. I don’t know how much more i can elevate this system once i get the music server and the opus powercord for the server plus the grounding system from Nordost, but you all know i will keep pushing forward even though I DO NOT KNOW what would push ahead of what have i created around the Wilson XLF. 
Unfortunately i dont see myself trying them because Transparent cable dealers are not many and they are closely monitored too. I had to buy the now discontinued Opus Gen5 speaker cables because the new Gen6 is crazy money. The margins on Transparent cables are not the same as many other cable brands.
I don’t see myself selling them unless somehow the stars align for me to move up to the Gen6 Opus speaker cables.
The used market is not a good option for the top end transparent cables either because they will only calibrate cables for the original owner. This is why i had to buy all my cables from a dealer since i change equipment so often. If i had bought these Opus speaker cables from the second hand market, i would have had to pay transparent like $5,000 dollars to "recertify" them so i can get all the calibrations i need. I do not regret my purchase one bit. 
what i was told by transparent cables is that they match the impedance of the components and some other parameters. That said, i can definitely tell  you that they sound better with the components they are calibrated for. I tried different amps/preamps with these speaker cables and at times i picked up brightness that is absent with the components that the cable is calibrated for. 
I did see the lack of deep bass comment from the reviewer. This is exactly what I also felt about my Alexx. I couldn’t get it to do OOMPH.
however, I felt that the Alexia had monstrous bass in my room.
I think it’s rear port being higher off the ground on the Alexia than on the Alexx.
The XLF has more presence in the bass region and a bigger presentation but i have just discovered this past weekend that i prefer the port towards the rear than the front. It seems to have a bigger soundstage and more nuance even though if i do the front port i get more bass in my room. I never understood so clearly as i do now how much collateral damage takes place when your bass is just a tad overpowering. The clarity of the vocals and the high frequency extension get buried by the bass.
If you see the XLf in person you expect club level bass because of its sheer size but then you hear it and you realize it doesn't do that. It plays very uniform without overemphasizing any particular frequency. 
I have tried to get my hands on the 760 DAC from Soulution but it's stupid hard to get one of those. 
That said, i am telling you all, i don't know of any DAC that has a huge soundstage such as the sound that comes from the best preamps out there. 
Alright, the Soulution 725 departs next week and a new preamp will be here the week after. I was told today it is being tested and they are breaking it in now. Im really excited for this preamp. 
I also just received all my nordost grounding so i plan to insert it in the system as soon as my ears and mind are in the mood to listen to music. Im having days in which  i feel as if my system sounds like $h!t but yet it's the same exact system that blew me away over the weekend. It's certainly either me being stressed with work or i might need to step away from it for sometime. This is a thing by the way... Our mood affects how we hear. 

The bigger the Wilson speaker, the less explosive the bass gets but i think this is what makes the speaker perhaps sound clearer...
Well folks, i brought the VAC monos back from the dead after not playing them for weeks and here are a couple of things that i can call out in order to differentiate the experience of going from top notch solid state to top notch tubes:

  1. Tubes will forever "reel you in" way more than solid state can. No matter how good a solid state amp is, it just does not go all the way to your soul as deep as great tube amps can. I have two of the best amps here and i can be REAL HERE: tubes win all day when it comes to listener engagement - PERIOD.
  2. My solid state amp has more nuance and there are minute things that are more apparent through it than on my VAC, but your mind does not a give a damn about these tiny things when listening to the VACs - Your mind isn’t focused on these things.
  3. Bass on the VAC monos is amazing and deep, but yes the solid state monos dig deeper.
  4. THIS IS A BIG ONE: These VACs are NOT moody and i can’t really hear sonic fluctuations due to my power grip. This is not the case with my solid state monos (i can hear them sound so/so during certain parts of the day). Maybe the tubes don’t really allow me to hear my grid? maybe it is the massive external power supply of the amps?
  5. I have a HARD TIME choosing one over the other. I love what both of them do.
With all that said, let’s see how much better things will get once i pick up my new linestage next week.

Ps: i am using cheap metal amp stands under the VACs and my cables are NOT calibrated for these amps and yet i am super impressed. What would happen if i sent my cables to get calibrated for VAC? what if i used the Artesania Master Kio stands under them? would they beat my solid state amps? (i am actually afraid of trying it LOL)

This is why the vac 450iq cost so much...the amps have lights on the front panel that tell you which tube is going constantly monitors each tube and will warn you right before they die  out so you can have it handy.
Nordost Qkore has been installed and with zero miles on it, here are my initial impressions:

  1. Warmer high frequency
  2. Unknown information on every song is now served
  3. Outstanding musicality
  4. More soul 
  5. More bass maybe? 🤔
  6. Whispering vocals previously buried in the music are now heard with articulation

More to come 
I just finished an 8-hour listening session. I listened to everything including Rob Zombie and it was phenomenal how the system plays EVERYTHING with insane resolution and speed. I STILL CAN NOT believe it sounds this good without a music server. 
I hope you all get ready for what lies ahead and with the next set of monoblocks that hopefully hit my door early next month. 500 lbs of metal between both. 

3060 doesn't need an aftermarket powecord to sound great. It sounds insane with the powercord it comes with. 


Zero fatigue. Zero ringing in my ear the next morning. The clarity is through the roof. Outlets will be installed soon and then wait on the music server. I think this is my all time best when it comes to sound reproduction. 
The grounding system, Nordost qb8 plus all the Shunyata and opus powercords have given my system a level of clarity that would make anybody’s jaw drop. The clarity, the depth, the vocals are clearer than ever and the high frequencies are unable to bite you regardless of the song played or the volume levels. I now have a far deeper understanding of the importance of everything needed to remove that poison that has ALWAYS plagued my systems before.
I own everything I have in the room unless i state otherwise. If you all remember, when i had the simaudio 860v2 and tekton i said they weren't mine. I would do the same if there was anything in my room right now that isnt mine. 
I am happy to announce that last night i had the pleasure of having Teeka Tiwari in my lab. He found me on YouTube and flew in from Puerto Rico to meet me and to have a chance to listen to my system for roughly 5 hours. The interview goes live today at 1130am ET. Hear his thoughts from inside the room.
I’m pretty excited to go to Puerto Rico to assemble his first system.
This is the beginning of things to come. 2022 should be promising folks!

Here is a little about him:
I was just told that most vac master owners are hanging on to it because there isn't a substantially better tube preamp out there. 
Let's see if the solid state amps sound better or worse than with the matching 450iq. We could be in for a huge surprise guys!