My Jadis Int amp. distorts in the upper mid-range

Hi All
Just bought a Jadis Orchestra Refference Integrated amp. (used) - and it's distorting in the upper mid-range levels..

It uses 4x KT-90, and 2x ECC83 imput tubes, with about 400 hours on them - and were the ones originally supplied new from Jadis.

I have 100% elliminated my other components as a posible sourse of the distortion..

Please help !!

Also: If I have to change my tubes, does anyone have first hand experience at what tube upgrade is PERFECT for the Jadis Orchestra Reference Int. amp.

Sorry - the distortion is coming from BOTH channels, and my connections are tight and in order. They are ALL top of the Line Virtual Dynamics.

My previous amp./preamp. was top of the line Krell so I don't think new-found resolution is an issue -but good point.

I have elliminated my other equipmnet based on :
Someone lent me a ART Audio Class-a tube amp. 2-weeks prior to the Jadis and it sounded perfect - super actually.
Also I happen to have 2-sets of speakers right now, and the distortion exists in both.

Both speakers are rated 89BB and, I keep the Jadis about 1/3 volume.

My sourse is Meitner Transport and DAC.

Thanks for your help !
So the culprit is either the Jadis or in the Meitner gear.
400 hours is nothing as far as tube life is concerned and in my experience the KT90s are very reliable. You also said nothing about your tubes not glowing right. For example bright fireworks in a KT90 at switch on, an abnormal brightness in the glow of them, or one of them being just dead below a sort of silvery veil on the glas. So I'm beginning to doubt, if the fault is in the tubes at all, but I'd still try a replacement set for good measure, which you could then keep for later use if the trouble is elsewhere. Do you have the chance to try another CD player? If the distortion stops, you have the culprit. If not, its the Jadis, unless your speaker cables somehow don't work well between the Jadis and your transducers. I'd try another set and listen, but I doubt, that the trouble comes from there. Good luck!
Pierre is absolutely right, heck, I should have thought of that.
Saffy, how is it going? Please report back to us!