My girlfriend is pissed

I just got my pre-amp back today from C-J and I'd rather listen to music than roll around with her and she is quite angry. Why don't they understand?
After you have demo'd your new gear for a while, put in something romantic and ask her to join you for a listen. Then tell her you had been listening all that time to find just the right romantic tune for her. If she falls for it, she's a keeper. Happy listening.
Steve; What system did you just get up and running? And what did you not have for a week? I think Glen has it right ;>) Cheers. Craig
hen, glen: my thoughts exactly, but when I asked her "in the living room?" (where the system is) she rolled her eyes at me and gave me that mean look. needless to say she gave in. problem solved :)p.s. chatbc, been their too! hehe
roll around then listen to tunes . then roll around again. then tell her to leave so you can listen.